LifeWatch observatory data: phytoplankton observations by imaging flow cytometry (FlowCam) in the Belgian Part of the North Sea
In the framework of the Lifewatch marine observatory a number of fixed stations in the Belgian Part of the North Sea (BPNS) are visited on a monthly or seasonal basis using RV Simon Stevin. A grid of nine stations covers the coastal zone and are sampled monthly. Eight additional stations, located further at sea, are sampled on a seasonal basis. Samples are taken using a 55µm mesh size Apstein net. In the lab, the samples are processed with the VS-4 FlowCAM at 4X magnification. The identification of the image data is done with the use of a classifier and followed by a manual validation step. Since May 2017, this dataset provides micro- and phytoplankton observations, mainly covering diatoms, dinoflagellates and cilliates, for the Belgian Part of the North Sea (BPNS).
- Publication Date
- 2021-12-02
- Title
- LifeWatch observatory data: phytoplankton observations by imaging flow cytometry (FlowCam) in the Belgian Part of the North Sea
- Abstract
- In the framework of the Lifewatch marine observatory a number of fixed stations in the Belgian Part of the North Sea (BPNS) are visited on a monthly or seasonal basis using RV Simon Stevin. A grid of nine stations covers the coastal zone and are sampled monthly. Eight additional stations, located further at sea, are sampled on a seasonal basis. Samples are taken using a 55µm mesh size Apstein net. In the lab, the samples are processed with the VS-4 FlowCAM at 4X magnification. The identification of the image data is done with the use of a classifier and followed by a manual validation step. Since May 2017, this dataset provides micro- and phytoplankton observations, mainly covering diatoms, dinoflagellates and cilliates, for the Belgian Part of the North Sea (BPNS).
- Dataset Language
- en
- Dataset Creator
- Metadata Provider
- Associated Party
- Dataset Contact
- Keywords (ASFA )
- Biodiversity
- Biological monitoring
- Data
- Marine Genomics
- Phytoplankton
Geographic Coverage
- Geographic Description
- ANE, Belgium, Belgian Continental Shelf (BCS)
Geographic Coverage
- Geographic Description
- EurOBIS calculated BBOX > station Bounding Box
Bounding Box
- West Bounding Coordinate
- 0.88059
- East Bounding Coordinate
- 3.7816
- North Bounding Coordinate
- 52.05284
- South Bounding Coordinate
- 50.40568
Temporal Coverage
- Single Date Time
License Information
- Intellectual Rights
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License