Imaging flow cytometry from SMHI in Tangesund 2016
An imaging flow cytometer, the Imaging FlowCytobot, was used to investigate phytoplankton abundance and diversity in a fjordal system on the Swedish Skagerrak coast. Samples of 5 mL were collected approximately every 25 minutes. An automated winch was used to move the IFCB to different depths. Chlorophyll fluorescence of individual organisms was used to trigger the camera in the instrument. Several thousand images were collected in each sample. Automated image analyses was used to analyse the images produced to identify and count cells of different plankton taxa.
- Publication Date
- 2021-12-02
- Title
- Imaging flow cytometry from SMHI in Tangesund 2016
- Abstract
- An imaging flow cytometer, the Imaging FlowCytobot, was used to investigate phytoplankton abundance and diversity in a fjordal system on the Swedish Skagerrak coast. Samples of 5 mL were collected approximately every 25 minutes. An automated winch was used to move the IFCB to different depths. Chlorophyll fluorescence of individual organisms was used to trigger the camera in the instrument. Several thousand images were collected in each sample. Automated image analyses was used to analyse the images produced to identify and count cells of different plankton taxa.
- Dataset Language
- en
- Dataset Creator
- Dataset Creator
- Metadata Provider
- Associated Party
pointOfContact Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution - Michael Brosnahan
- Dataset Contact
- Keywords (ASFA )
- Flow cytometry
Geographic Coverage
- Geographic Description
- ANE, Skagerrak
Geographic Coverage
- Geographic Description
- EurOBIS calculated BBOX > station Bounding Box
Bounding Box
- West Bounding Coordinate
- 11.493
- East Bounding Coordinate
- 11.493
- North Bounding Coordinate
- 58.075
- South Bounding Coordinate
- 58.075
Temporal Coverage
Range of Dates
- Begin Date
- End Date
License Information
- Intellectual Rights
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License