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Phytoplankton data, species composition, abundance (cells/l) (SDN:P01: PU00M00Z) and biomass (mg/m3) (SDN:P01: WWBMM00Z) collected at coastal stations located in the 1n.m. Bulgarian Black Sea area and stations on a coastal-open sea transect in the Bulgarian Black Sea region, including the EEZ, within EC, FP7 Project SESAME.
Dataset from trawl surveys by the Laboratory of Marine Living Resources.
A standardized sampling methodology was carried out in 21 sites along the N and NW Iberian Peninsula. Field surveys were carried out during the low spring tides in April 2011. At each site, three transects perpendicular to the coast were selected. A stratified and systematic sampling procedure was carried out, dividing each transect into four areas: lower intertidal, middle intertidal, upper intertidal and supralittoral. The sampling stations were distributed at equal distances, three in the lower and middle intertidal and two in the upper intertidal and supralittoral. The sampling unit was standardized using a 50 x 50 cm grid.
Geoscience data from the University of Bremen. Delivered through PANGAEA. Available data: <ul> <li> Temporal and spatial variations in Coccolithophorid communities in the subtropical Eastern Atlantic <li> Sedimentology of the Rio Grande Rise area <li> Late Quaternary planktic foraminifera assemblages in the South Atlantic Ocean <li> …
Data about physics, biogeochemistry and paleoceanography of the eastern subtropical North Atlantic.
The macrozoobentos dataset includes a number of 347 samples collected in the Northern part of the Romanian littoral between Sulina and Chituc from 5 m to 52m depths. Van Veen grab with a sampling area of 1/20 m2 was employed as a macrozoobenthos sampler. One replicate was collected at every station. Sampling was done in spring, summer and autumn mounths.The samples have been analyzed qualitative (number of species) and quantitative (densities and biomasses). The macroinvertebrates have been identified at species level.
Presence absence data of microplankton in the Wadden Sea off List, Sylt, North Sea.
The second dataset was developed with the objective of the ecological status assessment in marine areas where sewage outfall discharges were projected. For this purpose, several field campaigns were carried out along the north coast of Spain (Avilés, Gijón, Saja-Besaya, Santander, Santoña, Urdaibai and San Sebastián-Pasajes) between 1998 and 2003. In each of these sites transects perpendicular to the coast were established. Then, samples were taken both in the intertidal and shallow subtidal to obtain the biomass of macroalgae taxa. The main characteristic and canopy taxa of the area were selected: Bifurcaria bifurcata, Cystoseira baccata, Cystoseira tamariscifolia, Gelidium corneum, Gelidium spinosum, Laminaria hyperborea, Laminaria ochroleuca, Saccorhiza polyschides and Stypocaulon scoparium.
Aerial and on-land counts of individuals and breeding success estimations (the number of offspring) of grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) recorded during Estonian national monitoring programme in 2000-2016. Breeding success was estimated through the enumeration of live and dead grey seal cubs.
Partial contribution from the British Oceanographic Data Centre's databases (see below for details on status).