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    The algae collection of the Herbarium BCN contains more than 7,000 specimens. These samples correspond to marine macrophytes, basically phaeophytes, rhodophytes and chlorophytes, which come from all along the coastline of the Iberian Peninsula, but mostly from the Catalan-speaking territories (Països Catalans), the Basque Country and Galicia. In terms of taxa, there is a substantial representation of the genus Cystoseira.

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    Dataset information available at <a href= target=_blank></a>

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    Approximately 70% of the total collection is available. Samples are from de Mediterranean coast, Spanish Atlantic, Caribbean and Indo-Pacific. Specimens preserved both in paper sheets and liquid.

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    The main aim of the dataset is preparing the available data by diversity of the Black Sea macroalgae, which were collected by the scientists from IBSS around Crimean coast of the Ukrainian shelf during the last 40 years. The species diversity is described from 43 transects, 180 stations at 0,1 - 25 m depth. The data about location, region, sampling equipment are given for each macroalgae species. These data are available now for scientists, professionals and they can be used in various purposes.

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    This study dealt with the biomass of algal settlements at different locations along the Istrian coast in the Northern Adriatic Sea. The eulittoral and upper sublittoral zone of rocky sites was investigated during three subsequent years: 1967, 1968 and 1969.

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    The purpose of this study was to follow the gradient of the benthic algal vegetation from the head to the mouth of the Borgafjördur. Attention was paid to the zonation patterns, algal associations and the species distribution. These data were also compared to the vegetation of other Icelandic fjords.

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    The aim of this study was to describe the gradient of the benthic algal vegetation along the coast of Berufjördur, with focus on the influence of salinity and substrate configuration on the zonation patterns and the leading algal associations. Additionally, attention was paid to the differences between the main algal zones on sheltered versus exposed sites of rocky formations.

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    The aim of this study was to describe the species distribution, main algal associations and zonation patterns along the coast of Mjóifjürdur from the head of the fjord and outwards.

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    Marine biological surveys of seabed and shore habitats in four areas exposed to strong tidal currents around southwest and northwest Wales, made in summer 2002 and 2003.

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    Data were collected as part of wider coastal management programmes, sponsored by the Norwegian Polar Research Institute. The main purpose of this data collection was to present an ecological inventory of the Svalbard Archipelago and to map the areas of great biological importance.