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    The dataset contains 708 records of 13 amphibian and 13 reptile species recorded in the lower reaches of the Sabor River (NE Portugal), and that were included in the baseline studies to define biodiversity offsets of the Baixo Sabor Hydroelectric Dam, promoted by EDP – Energias de Portugal, S.A.. Data was collected between March and November 2009, during thirty five (n=35) days/nights of field sampling carried out in the area to be flooded by the two reservoirs, and within a 5-km buffer around each reservoir. Surveys involved transects, dip-netting in waterbodies, and casual observations along trails and roads. Each individual observed was identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level, its position was recorded, and in case of capture it was released thereafter in the same place. All captures were conducted in accordance with the Portuguese laws and carried out under authorized licences 186/2009/CAPT (Instituto da Conservacão da Natureza e Florestas).

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    This dataset is based on a National Report on the progress and implementation of the Habitats Directive in Portugal, concerning the 2007-2012 period. It originates from a project performed periodically (every 6 years) that aims to permit an adequate assessment of the progress, via the Natura 2000 Network, towards the goals of the Habitats Directive. This national reports describes conservation status for flora and fauna species in three biogeographic regions (Atlantic, Macaronesian and Mediterranean) and two marine regions (Atlantic and Macaronesian). It contains occurrence data for fauna and flora belonging to 3 kingdoms, 7 phyla, 16 classes, 52 orders, 104 families, 188 genera and 271 species.

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    This dataset is based on a National Report on the progress and implementation of the Habitats Directive in Portugal, concerning the 2013-2018 period. It originates from a project performed periodically (every 6 years) that aims to permit an adequate assessment of the progress, via the Natura 2000 Network, towards the goals of the Habitats Directive. This national reports describes conservation status for flora and fauna species in three biogeographic regions (Atlantic, Macaronesian and Mediterranean) and two marine regions (Atlantic and Macaronesian). It contains occurrence data for fauna and flora belonging to 3 kingdoms, 7 phyla, 16 classes, 52 orders, 105 families, 192 genera and 277 species.