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Historical benthic samples from the Baltic Sea
Historical quantitative benthos grab samples from the Southern Baltic Sea, collected by German researchers. The dataset was digitised at the Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel; Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences; Marine Ecology Division; Benthos Ecology section.
Historical quantitative benthos grab samples from the Southern Baltic Sea, collected by Polish researchers. The dataset was digitised at the Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel; Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences; Marine Ecology Division; Benthos Ecology section.
Surveys of benthic invertebrates of the Southern Irish Sea were carried out in 1989 and 1991. Both quantitative and qualitative samples were taken for faunal and sediment analysis
Historical benthic dredge samples from the southern baltic and the Gulf of Gdansk
The composition and distribution of the macrobenthic amphipod, mollusc and polychaete fauna in the Evros Delta have been investigated. The distribution of species showed a zonation mainly related to the degree of "confinement".
The dataset contains data on the presence of macrobenthos from 2 stations in the Monolmni Lagoon in the Ervos Delta which were sampled monthly in 1998.
HERMES data in PANGAEA only include meiobenthos abundances at the Arctic Håkon Mosby Mud Volcano (1037 records) and meiobenthos abundances in the Black Sea during Poseidon cruise.
Original dataset objective: Reference stations for future annual surveys of petroleum activities in the Finnmark/ southern Barents Sea area.
Epibenthos has been nationally monitored in Sweden since 1992. The monitoring program was initiated by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and later the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management took over the responsibility and financing of the program. The monitoring is performed by Stockholm University, University of Gothenburg and Linnaeus University. The data is stored in the database SHARK, hosted and maintained by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute. The epibenthos monitoring program studies hard and soft bottoms from the surface down to 10-20 meters. Data is collected in transects or squares with help of divers. Species abundances are determined directly by the divers or photographs are taken and analyzed later. More information is available in Swedish at