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Abundance and Biomass of soft-bottom benthos from Karkinitsky gulf (North-Western Crimea, The Black Sea, Ukraine) for period within 1980-1989
Species composition, abundance and biomasss of zooplankton at selected layers from the seabed to the surface. Approximately 100 species included in the database.
Species composition, abundance and biomass of the phytoplankton at selected depths from the seabed to the surface.
Biomass and abundance of western Baltic Sea benthic meio and macrofauna (all fauna >6 um sieve). Individual measures of body size, from Bornholm to Lulea. Only from Swedish and Danish waters.
This CD contains part of the data from the Benthos Information system, the database of the Monitor Task-group of the NIOO.
Abundance (individuals/m2) and biomass (g/m2) of macrozoobenthic taxa from seagrass meadows along the Southern Bulgarian Black Sea coast (Burgas Bay), collected during field surveys of IBER-BAS in 2013-2014 as part of project PERSEUS. Due to the sampling method (hand corer), the dataset represents the infauna associated with the seagrasses. The dataset also contains measurements of several environmental parameters at the stations: sediment grain size (% gravel, sand, and silt/clay); sediment moisture content (%) and total organic matter (% loss on ignition); temperature and salinity of the water.
Long term monitoring of all invertebrate species of station N3 in Kiel Bay in the Western Baltic was performed from between 1986 ad 2004.
Biodiversity of macrozoobenthos of German Baltic waters between Fehmarn and Usedem, literature data from 1839 to 2001