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The survey represents the first systematic study of divers, grebes, seaduck, cormorant, shag and auks within these sea areas.
MAR-ECO (2003 - 2010)was an international exploratory study of the animals inhabiting the northern mid-Atlantic. Scientists from 16 nations around the northern Atlantic Ocean participated in research of the waters around the mid-Atlantic Ridge from Iceland to the Azores. This data set is subset of the data collected, and comprises presence/absence records (sightings) for mammals and birds, collected in 2004 on R/V G.O. Sars. Skov,H, T. Gunnlaugsson, W.P. Budgell, J. Horne, L. Nøttestad, E. Olsen, H. Søiland, G. Víkingsson and G. Waring (2008) Small-scale spatial variability of sperm and sei whales in relation to oceanographic and topographic features along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Deep-sea Research II. 55: 254-268.
This dataset represents a subset of the INBO-database on the distribution of seabirds and marine mammals starting from 1992 in north-west European marine areas with a focus on Belgian marine waters.
Birds (terns) and prey fish are sampled at several locations along the Belgian coast. Fish are counted and measured. Stomach content analyses and length measurements are performed on seabirds. The results are recorded in this database.
Study of the dispersion and dispersal mechanisms of pelagic key species on the Belgian Continental Shelf (BCS). The focus of the dataset is on those species that have a pelagic life-style or have pelagic larvae, mainly clupeidae. The Belgian coastal waters are internationally very important areas for a number of sea and coastal birds. Studying the distribution patterns of the possible food sources (i.c. Pelagic fish) of these birds will lead to a better understanding of their spatial distribution patterns. Sampling is done with the Zeeleeuw R.V. Underway data is registrated in MIDAS.