Coastal lagoon
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The dataset contains abundance and body size data of benthic macroinvertebrates collected in the LTER site Alimini (Apulia, Italy). Data refer to 54 taxa and 71213 individuals.
The dataset contains abundance and body size data of the benthic macroinvertebrates community of the Lesina lagoon. Data refer to 21 taxa (15 species, 2 genus, 2 family, 2 subclass) and 9595 individuals.
The dataset contains abundance and body size data of benthic macroinvertebrates collected in the LTER site Alimini (Apulia, Italy). Data refer to 51 taxa and 35504 individuals.
The dataset contains abundance and body size data of the benthic macroinvertebrates community of Torre Guaceto (Apulia, Italy). Data refer to 34 taxa and 11342 individuals.
The dataset contains abundance and body size data of fishes and invertebrates communities of 3 coastal lagoons located in south Italy: Lesina, Varano and Alimini. Data refer to 59 taxa and 32308 individuals.
The dataset contains abundance and body size data of the benthic macroinvertebrates communities of 3 coastal lagoons located in south Italy: Lesina, Varano and Alimini. Data refer to 69 taxa and 52112 individuals.