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    Data were collected as part of the Ocean Margin Exchange (OMEX) project of the EU. The general aim was to compare the densities, biomass and mean individual weight from meiofauna and macrofauna along the continental slope of the Goban Spur.

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    In the framework of the OMEX-programme (Ocean Margin Exchange, CEC-MAST II), data were collected on the metazoan meiobenthos along the continental slope of the Goban Spur.

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    This dataset is a collection of several sampling campaigns dealing with meiobenthos on different locations and times.

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    Length and width measurements of 800 nematodes from the Indian Ocean. Four stations were sampled, each with two replicates. The sampling depths varied from 50 to 2000 meters. The density (ind/m²) and the SCOC (mmol O2/m²/day) were calculated.

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    Focussing on nematode genera, this dataset provides geographically extensive nematode information from one of the largest shelf areas around the Antarctic continent.

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    The abundance, biomass and community structure of nematodes along two transpolar transects in the central Artic Ocean were documented.

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    The Darwin mounds area was sampled to investigate the importance of local-scale topographic features and small-scale biogenic structures in influencing the density and diversity of the associated meiobenthic communities and nematodes in particular.

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    In the framework of the OMEX-programme (Ocean Margin Exchange, CEC-MAST II), data were collected on the metazoan meiobenthos along the continental slope of the Goban Spur.

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    Meiobenthic communities along a depth gradient in the Laptev Sea were sampled in order to identify densities and community compositions. Special attention was paid to the present nematode communities.

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    Data were collected as part of the international project "Community structure and processes in the deep-sea benthos" (EU MAST II).