Historical datasets
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A historical dataset, by Edward Forbes, Professor of Botany in King's College, London. This digitised report, requested by the British Association, refers to the Mollusca and Radiata inhabiting the Aegean and the Red Sea. The data upon which this report is founded have been entirely derived from a voyage of 18 months to the Aegean. The calculations have been based upon more than 100 fully recorded dredging operations in various depths and in many localities. The digitization process concerns the Appendix of the Report, which refers to the Examples of Dredging Papers, selected in order to show the associations of species in several regions. The numerous dredging operations on which this Report is founded were all registered in a similar manner.
Belgium and Kenya have a long tradition of collaboration in marine sciences. In 2012 the Kenya Marine and Fisheries Institute (KMFRI) and the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) renewed this collaboration with a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). A first step already started under the umbrella of LifeWatch with the recovery of biotic datasets resulting from joint Belgian-Kenyan marine research activities. This data collection combines all biotic data recovered from theses and reports resulting in the Eastern African region conducted between 1873 and 1999.
Data Services provide the users with tools in order to: a) publish their datasets and make them available to the community by providing information that allows a user to locate and access the resource and its curator/creator, b) import their datasets to the Lifewatch Greece Infrastructure and to GBIF or MedOBIS, c) perform biodiversity data and information quality improvement, and d) search about datasets of interest by providing an efficient way of querying semantic networks. The schema of the data that is provided by the users is mapped to the semantic model of the LWI and the data is transformed to LWI format before it is stored to the Infrastructure. The semantic model is based on CIDOC CRM (http://www.cidoc-crm.org/), CRM dig, CRM geo, CRM sci and MarineTLO (http://www.ics.forth.gr/isl/MarineTLO/). Login is required to access the service.
This historical collection consists of 150 specimens and it is of particular interest since it is the first to be taken from the waters of the Eastern Mediterranean. The main point of importance brought out by the present investigations is that there are definite signs of an immigration of sponges from the Red Sea and Indian Ocean.