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    This dataset is based on the 6th National Forest Inventory published by ICNF - Instituto de Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas. The data collection for this National Forest Inventory was obtanied through aerial photography and ground surveys in 1995, to supply updated statistical and basic cartographic information for the evaluation and monitoring of the abundance, state and condition of the portuguese forest resources and to enable a sustainable forest management.

  • The Biodiversity Data Portal of Portugal provided access to biodiversity occurrence data published by national institutions through the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), and data published by foreign institutions for the Portuguese territory. This portal implemented by the Portuguese Node of GBIF, under the scope of PORBIOTA-LifeWatch.Pt, corresponds to the implementation of the national platform of the Atlas of Living Australia. The platform is currently supported by the community Living Atlases, a community of GBIF Nodes and other partners. The implementation of the platform seeks to answer to access needs for biodiversity data, with access and data analysis adjusted to Portugal, and its geographic, administrative, biogeographic and ecological context. Moreover, it provides tools for data analysis with greater details and capacity for details.

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    Herbarium LISU was established in 1839 as part of Escola Politécnica, but its collections include earlier material from the Ajuda Royal Cabinet The Lichen Collection available through this resource includes about 3540 records of preserved specimens from Portugal, maintained at the LISU Herbarium, and collected from the period 1848-2007. The total number of lichen specimens existing in the herbarium is about 51000, and includes the Carlos N. Tavares collection. The digitising process is ongoing, which will result in new additions to this resource in the near future.

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    This dataset is based on the 5th National Forest Inventory published by ICNF - Instituto de Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas. The data collection for this National Forest Inventory was obtained through aerial photography and ground surveys in 2005, to supply updated statistical and basic cartographic information for the evaluation and monitoring of the abundance, state and condition of the portuguese forest resources and to enable a sustainable forest management.

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    This dataset is based on the 6th National Forest Inventory published by ICNF - Instituto de Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas. The data collection for this National Forest Inventory was obtained through aerial photography and ground surveys in 2015, to supply updated statistical and basic cartographic information for the evaluation and monitoring of the abundance, state and condition of the portuguese forest resources and to enable a sustainable forest management.

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    This dataset is based on the 5th National Forest Inventory published by ICNF - Instituto de Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas. The data collection for this National Forest Inventory was obtained through aerial photography and ground surveys in 2015, to supply updated statistical and basic cartographic information for the evaluation and monitoring of the abundance, state and condition of the portuguese forest resources and to enable a sustainable forest management.

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    This dataset is based on the Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles of Portugal published by ICNF in 2008. The publication of this document is related to the implementation of the National Strategy for the Conservation of Nature and Biodiversity, whose 5th strategic option concerns development throughout the national territory of specific actions for the conservation of species and habitats, defining as one of the action directives the elaboration of several distribution atlases. The Atlas shows, according to the record of observations made up to the date of its publication, the distribution, in Portugal, of amphibians and reptiles that are autochthonous in the Portuguese territory, and also exotic species existing in the wild: 17 species of amphibians; 30 species of terrestrial reptiles; and 5 species of sea turtles. The original publication presents, for each of the species, a sheet with the characterization of the species and notes on the main threats and measures for its conservation.

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    This publication is based on the paper "Flora liquénica do Parque Natural da Serra de S. Mamede" published by Palmira Carvalho in 1997 on the journal Portugaliae Acta Biologica. It presents sampling event data of several taxon of lichens collected in 64 sampling stations at Serra de São Mamede Natural Park, Alentejo, Portugal. There are 1,593 occurrence records of lichens in this Natural Park. It presents two differente archives: a dataset of the events, with the description of the sampling sites; a dataset of the occurrences, with the lichen species in each site.

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    This catalogue reproduces a list of occurrences of macromycetes in continental Portugal that have been published or otherwise reported since 1997, with a few earlier additions.

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    The dataset contains 412 records of Diptera species from the families Limoniidae, Pediciidae and Tipulidae, collected between 2003 to 2019 in Portugal, including the Azores and Madeira archipelagos (Ferreira et al., 2021; Oosterbroek et al., 2020; Starý, 2014). Specimens have been identified to species or subspecies level, in a total of 83 species representing 58% of the Craneflies known for Portugal. Specimens were captured during fieldwork directed specifically for the sampling of Diptera using different methodologies and the majority was stored in 96% ethanol. A tissue sample, usually a leg, was collected from each individual, from which DNA was extracted. The DNA barcoding of these specimens was conducted within the InBIO Barcoding Initiative (IBI), funded by the EnvMetaGen and PORBIOTA projects. The dataset “DNA barcodes of Portuguese Diptera 02 - Limoniidae, Pediciidae and Tipulidae” is part of a group of Diptera datasets published by IBI, the first of which, “The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: Diptera 01” ( has already been made available through GBIF. DNA barcode sequences were deposited in BOLD (Barcode of Life Data System) and GenBank databases. All DNA extracts are deposited in the IBI collection at the CIBIO (Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources).