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Data was gathered during BEWREMABI project (part of SPSD-II federal science policy programme) sampling campaigns. Macrofauna was sampled in the vicinity of shipwrecks using macrofauna core + scuba.
Data gathered during BEWREMABI project sampling campaigns
Data gathered during BEWREMABI project sampling campaigns
This dataset contains abundance data of the benthic community around the shipwrecks Bucentaure and Fougueux, in the Cadiz Bay, Spain during 2012-2013 within the framework of the Arqueomonitor Project. Three random replicated belt transects of 50× 300 cm by site (shipwreck) and season were carried out. The ARQUEOMONITOR Project, supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and FEDER (CTM2009-08668 and CTM2010-16363) studied in what grade, the generation, conservation or degradation of archaeological sites are influenced by marine environmental variables, employing two wrecks of the same chronology subjected to very different environmental conditions, Fougueux and Bucentaure (1805)