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    List of macrofauna species present in 4 zones at the sandy beaches of Gazi, Kanamai and Malindi Bay. Study was carried out from April-December 1986. The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original report: Ruwa, R.K. (1987). Macrofaunal composition and zonation on sandy beaches at Gazi, Kanamai and Malindi Bay Kenya, in: Martens, E.E. (1987). Kenyan-Belgian Project in Marine Sciences: Second Quarterly Report. Pp. 81-93

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    Data on the location of found macroalgal and seagrass species and study of the algal community on the pneumatophores of mangrove trees on the West coast of Gazi Bay during July and August 1987. The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original report: Gallin, E (1988). Vegetatie-ecologische studie van de mangrove langs de westkust van Gazi Bay (Kenia) = Vegetation-ecological study of the mangroves along the west coast of Gazi Bay (Kenya). Ir Thesis. Rijksuniversiteit Gent - Faculteit van de Landbouwwetenschappen: Ghent. 157, 4 platen pp.