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  • BiblioNevada is an online application for the query of the scientific publications in relation to Biodiversity, Environment and Ecological aspects linked to Global Change in Sierra Nevada. The dataset includes all publications on Sierra Nevada, excluding those related to purely geological aspects (mineralogy or internal geodynamics), to historical aspects not related to the environment or to astronomical research.

  • One of the virtual laboratories developed by LifeWatch Belgium is the Belgian LifeWatch eLab. This online application allows users to standardise, analyse and visualise their data, making use of web services built on top of internal and external reference databases. The ultimate goal of LifeWatch is to set up a network for data exchange and data analysis through web services. Web services are systems that allow communication between two computers over the web, and allow the user to access the most recent and up-to-date information directly from within other applications. Within LifeWatch Belgium, several web services are available to standardise, analyse and visualise your data, and to extract additional data from several sources. The user can select several data services (taxonomic, geographic, thematic, etc.) and run them successively through a straightforward online user interface. You can also use the web services in a concatenated way, i.e. the output of one web service is the input for the next web service. Establishing such workflows helps solving (complicated) biological questions. Several use cases demonstrate the use of the LifeWatch web services. So as to facilitate the use of the LifeWatch web services, several applications and tools were documented in use cases and tutorials. These can be found on the links below, as well as on the specific websites of software packages and Github repositories. The Belgian LifeWatch E-Lab online application allows users to standardize, analyze and visualize their data, making use of web services built on top of internal and external reference databases. A user can select several data services (taxonomic, geographic, thematic, etc.) and run them successively through a straightforward user interface. As explained in the user guide, the web services can be used in a concatenated way, i.e. the output of one web service is the input for the next web service.

  • This interactive online tool gives access to all sensor data collected in the framework of the Flemish LifeWatch project, and provides an interface to explore and analyze these data. Several thematic portals have been set up as part of the Data Explorer: - Underway Data Explorer - Station Data Explorer - Zooplankton Data Explorer - GPS Bird Tracking Data Explorer - Fish Telemetry Data Explorer - Batcorder Data Explorer - CPOD (marine mammals) Data Explorer Within the RShiny LifeWatch Data Explorer, five general sections are available to explore, plot, visualize and download data. Some of the more recent data is temporarily under moratorium and therefore protected by password access. The LifeWatch Data Explorer is built using RShiny server, Leaflet, ggplot2, PLotly, Dygraph and DataTables. The system is able to query MSSQL, PostgreSQL, Geoserver (WFS) and MongoDB servers.

  • Categories  

    Read, explore and visualize Camera Trap Data Packages (Camtrap DP) ( Camtrap DP is a community developed data exchange format for this type of data. With camtraptor you can read and filter data, create overviews of observed species, relative abundance or effort, and plot these data on a map.

  • The Biodiversity Data Portal of Portugal provided access to biodiversity occurrence data published by national institutions through the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), and data published by foreign institutions for the Portuguese territory. This portal implemented by the Portuguese Node of GBIF, under the scope of PORBIOTA-LifeWatch.Pt, corresponds to the implementation of the national platform of the Atlas of Living Australia. The platform is currently supported by the community Living Atlases, a community of GBIF Nodes and other partners. The implementation of the platform seeks to answer to access needs for biodiversity data, with access and data analysis adjusted to Portugal, and its geographic, administrative, biogeographic and ecological context. Moreover, it provides tools for data analysis with greater details and capacity for details.

  • The LifeWatch Italy Data Portal is a national data infrastructure facilitating data sharing for biological and environmental research and making it accessible and reusable.

  • This online and interactive environment provides access to all data of the European Tracking Network. The VRE includes a database for storage and integration of acoustic telemetry data and a number of analytical tools for analysing the data using R that are: - the LifeWatch Data Explorer for fish telemetry, a RShiny GUI for data exploration; - an RStudio IDE that allows the user to develop and run R scripts online on the available telemetry data; - an Rpackage that incorporates specific functions to start a smooth analysis of telemetry data. The ETN data management platform is an online web application to store, access and share aquatic telemetry data and metadata. The portal is open to all European users for data management of telemetry data in marine, estuarine and freshwater environments. ETN now contains data of 15 fish species. Currently ETN supports acoustic telemetry data, but aims to extend this to different telemetry techniques (e.g. PIT data-storage tags and satellite tags) to be able to monitor habitat use and migration patterns of a range of species in the aquatic environment. On a technical note, the portal requires the receiver and deployment metadata, as well as the transmitter tag and animal metadata before detection data can be uploaded. The uploaded data are subjected to quality control. Access is password protected and data moratorium rules are in place. The ETN data portal is developed by the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) as part of the Flemish contribution to LifeWatch. New developments and additional features are added on a continuous basis. The web application is built using PHP (using the Symfony framework) for the back-end side and Bootstrap/jQuery/Datatables/… (among others) to facilitate the development of the front-end side.