Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science
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These data describe counts of macrobenthic infauna (with associated station metadata) taken from sediment samples collected at sites in the Tyne, Thames and Shoreham, UK from 2000 to 2006. For selected samples, wet biomass data is also included per taxon. The samples from the Shoreham site were collected across an aggregate extraction area over 4 years with the aim to test several habitat mapping techniques by documenting the presence of different faunal levels across the area. The samples collected at the Tyne and Thames were initiated at former sewage sludge disposal sites. Cefas conducted annual sampling in these areas during and post cessation of sewage disposal after January 1999 to monitor the benthic macrofauna community.
Data resulted from a series of microcosm experiments designed to examine the differential response of estuarine nematode assemblages
The main objective of the data derived from this microcosm experiment was to assess the ability of nematodes to vertically migrate into native muddy and non-native sandy sediment deposited in different amounts and frequencies.
Data are the result of a laboratory experiment, designed to investigate the effects of the degree of contamination and the role of burial associated with the deposition of dredged material on meiobenthic nematodes.
This experimental laboratory study assessed the effects of different levels of paint-derived TBT, and different modes of exposure, on estuarine nematodes.
This dataset contains macrobenthos data from English waters between 2000 and 2002.
Nematode and harpacticoid copepod species abundance data are listed as counts per sample. Other available data include sediment granulometry and trace metal concentrations. For a detailed description, see listed publications
An impact study was conducted on fishing grounds in the Silver Pit (central North Sea).
This dataset provides information on the species composition and abundance of North Sea meiobenthic nematode assemblages
This dataset was the first of its kind, making use of simplified ecosystem models or so-called microcosms to examine the effects of different frequencies of physical disturbances on meiofaunal communities.