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    The composition of the lichenic epiphytic flora in the coastal region of Alentejo, which includes the area of the Sines industrial complex, has been updated through floristic surveys on various phorophytes, but in particular, olive and fig trees. The present results, which are the result of fieldwork carried out in 1997, were compared with those obtained in the studies carried out in 1983. A decrease in the floristic richness was verified, as a result of the degradation of habitats and an increase in the emission of poluents. It was also possible to establish the relationship between lichen diversity and various environmental factors, through the application of Co-inertia Analysis. This publication results in two datasets, an event table: where the sampling sites are described; and an occurrence table, which shows the lichen species found at each of these sites.

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    This dataset is based on a National Report on the progress and implementation of the Habitats Directive in Portugal, concerning the 2007-2012 period. It originates from a project performed periodically (every 6 years) that aims to permit an adequate assessment of the progress, via the Natura 2000 Network, towards the goals of the Habitats Directive. This national reports describes conservation status for flora and fauna species in three biogeographic regions (Atlantic, Macaronesian and Mediterranean) and two marine regions (Atlantic and Macaronesian). It contains occurrence data for fauna and flora belonging to 3 kingdoms, 7 phyla, 16 classes, 52 orders, 104 families, 188 genera and 271 species.

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    The publication of this document is related to the implementation of the Sectoral Plan of the Natura 2000 Network (PSRN2000). The PSRN2000 is an instrument of territorial management, which aims to keep species and habitats in a favorable conservation status and to safeguard and enhance the value of Special Protection Areas (SPA) and Sites of Community Importance (SCI) of the continental territory. In essence, it is an instrument to manage biodiversity. It is a Plan created at a macro-scale (1:100 000) for the continental territory, which characterizes natural and semi-natural habitats as well as the fauna and flora species present in SCIs and SPAs. It also defines strategical guidelines to manage the territory under these areas, taking into account the natural assets present in them. PSRN2000 links Public Entities, offering strategical guidelines and norms for the Local and Central Administration. It falls under the Article 8.º from the Decree-Law n.º 140/99, of 24 April, as amended by Decree-Law n.º 49/2005 of 24/4, having been approved in 2008, with the publication of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers n.º 115-A/2008, of 21 July. The present data is a function of the type of information available for each of the species, specifically with regards to the mapping scale and the degree of geographical coverage. It contains occurrence data for flora belonging to 3 phyla, 5 classes, 18 orders, 26 families, 49 genera and 73 species.

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    Herbarium LISU was established in 1839 as part of Escola Politécnica, but its collections include earlier material from the Ajuda Royal Cabinet The Lichen Collection available through this resource includes about 3540 records of preserved specimens from Portugal, maintained at the LISU Herbarium, and collected from the period 1848-2007. The total number of lichen specimens existing in the herbarium is about 51000, and includes the Carlos N. Tavares collection. The digitising process is ongoing, which will result in new additions to this resource in the near future.

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    The publication of this document is related to the implementation of the Sectoral Plan of the Natura 2000 Network (PSRN2000). The PSRN2000 is an instrument of territorial management, which aims to keep species and habitats in a favorable conservation status and to safeguard and enhance the value of Special Protection Areas (SPA) and Sites of Community Importance (SCI) of the continental territory. In essence, it is an instrument to manage biodiversity. It is a Plan created at a macro-scale (1:100 000) for the continental territory, which characterizes natural and semi-natural habitats as well as the fauna and flora species present in SCIs and SPAs. It also defines strategical guidelines to manage the territory under these areas, taking into account the natural assets present in them. PSRN2000 links Public Entities, offering strategical guidelines and norms for the Local and Central Administration. It falls under the Article 8.º from the Decree-Law n.º 140/99, of 24 April, as amended by Decree-Law n.º 49/2005 of 24/4, having been approved in 2008, with the publication of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers n.º 115-A/2008, of 21 July. The present data is a function of the type of information available for each of the species, specifically with regards to the mapping scale and the degree of geographical coverage. It contains occurrence data for fauna belonging to 2 phyla, 4 classes, 10 orders, 16 families, 20 genera and 24 species.

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    The publication of this document is related to the implementation of the Sectoral Plan of the Natura 2000 Network (PSRN2000). The PSRN2000 is an instrument of territorial management, which aims to keep species and habitats in a favorable conservation status and to safeguard and enhance the value of Special Protection Areas (SPA) and Sites of Community Importance (SCI) of the continental territory. In essence, it is an instrument to manage biodiversity. It is a Plan created at a macro-scale (1:100 000) for the continental territory, which characterizes natural and semi-natural habitats as well as the fauna and flora species present in SCIs and SPAs. It also defines strategical guidelines to manage the territory under these areas, taking into account the natural assets present in them. PSRN2000 links Public Entities, offering strategical guidelines and norms for the Local and Central Administration. It falls under the Article 8.º from the Decree-Law n.º 140/99, of 24 April, as amended by Decree-Law n.º 49/2005 of 24/4, having been approved in 2008, with the publication of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers n.º 115-A/2008, of 21 July. The present data is a function of the type of information available for each of the species, specifically with regards to the mapping scale and the degree of geographical coverage. It contains occurrence data for fauna belonging to 3 phyla, 5 classes, 8 orders, 15 families, 16 genera and 25 species.

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    The publication of this document is related to the implementation of the Sectoral Plan of the Natura 2000 Network (PSRN2000). The PSRN2000 is an instrument of territorial management, which aims to keep species and habitats in a favorable conservation status and to safeguard and enhance the value of Special Protection Areas (SPA) and Sites of Community Importance (SCI) of the continental territory. In essence, it is an instrument to manage biodiversity. It is a Plan created at a macro-scale (1:100 000) for the continental territory, which characterizes natural and semi-natural habitats as well as the fauna and flora species present in SCIs and SPAs. It also defines strategical guidelines to manage the territory under these areas, taking into account the natural assets present in them. PSRN2000 links Public Entities, offering strategical guidelines and norms for the Local and Central Administration. It falls under the Article 8.º from the Decree-Law n.º 140/99, of 24 April, as amended by Decree-Law n.º 49/2005 of 24/4, having been approved in 2008, with the publication of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers n.º 115-A/2008, of 21 July. The present data is a function of the type of information available for each of the species, specifically with regards to the mapping scale and the degree of geographical coverage. It contains occurrence data for flora belonging to 2 phyla, 3 classes, 7 orders, 8 families, 8 genera and 9 species.

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    The publication of this document is related to the implementation of the Sectoral Plan of the Natura 2000 Network (PSRN2000). The PSRN2000 is an instrument of territorial management, which aims to keep species and habitats in a favorable conservation status and to safeguard and enhance the value of Special Protection Areas (SPA) and Sites of Community Importance (SCI) of the continental territory. In essence, it is an instrument to manage biodiversity. It is a Plan created at a macro-scale (1:100 000) for the continental territory, which characterizes natural and semi-natural habitats as well as the fauna and flora species present in SCIs and SPAs. It also defines strategical guidelines to manage the territory under these areas, taking into account the natural assets present in them. PSRN2000 links Public Entities, offering strategical guidelines and norms for the Local and Central Administration. It falls under the Article 8.º from the Decree-Law n.º 140/99, of 24 April, as amended by Decree-Law n.º 49/2005 of 24/4, having been approved in 2008, with the publication of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers n.º 115-A/2008, of 21 July. The present data is a function of the type of information available for each of the species, specifically with regards to the mapping scale and the degree of geographical coverage. It contains occurrence data for fauna belonging to 2 phyla, 6 classes, 8 orders, 9 families, 15 genera and 24 species.

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    This dataset is based on a National Report on the progress and implementation of the Habitats Directive in Portugal, concerning the 2013-2018 period. It originates from a project performed periodically (every 6 years) that aims to permit an adequate assessment of the progress, via the Natura 2000 Network, towards the goals of the Habitats Directive. This national reports describes conservation status for flora and fauna species in three biogeographic regions (Atlantic, Macaronesian and Mediterranean) and two marine regions (Atlantic and Macaronesian). It contains occurrence data for fauna and flora belonging to 3 kingdoms, 7 phyla, 16 classes, 52 orders, 105 families, 192 genera and 277 species.

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    The Diretiva Aves (Birds Directive, Council Directive on the conservation of wild birds 79/409/EEC) was implemented in 1979. This Directive frames the conservation and management of wild birds in Europe and human interactions with this group. The Diretiva Aves sets broad objectives and includes the identification and classification of Zonas de Protecção Especial (ZPE) (Special Protection Areas - SPAs) for the rarest and most vulnerable species, listed in Annex I, as well as to all migratory species (not listed in Annex I) regularly occurring in the European territory. These species should be subject to special conservation measures concerning their habitat, to ensure survival and reproduction in their area of distribution, with special importance to the protection of wetlands and particularly those of international importance. The Article 12 of the Diretiva Aves requires to all Member States to forward to the Commission, every three years, a report on the implementation of national provisions taken under the Directive. Nevertheless, the Commission and all Member States have agreed to forward this report, considering its content and reporting cycle, in the same year as the report drawn up pursuant to Article 17 of the Diretiva Habitats (Habitats Directive, Council Directive on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora 92/43/EEC), which requires more detailed information every six years. The preparation of this report follows the approved European Union format, which includes a general report on the implementation of the Diretiva Aves (Annex I), and specific reports (Annex II), containing cartographic components (in GIS format) with 10 km X 10 km grids relative to the areas of distribution of each reported species.