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    The ICES EcoSystemData system joins several databases on physical, biological and chemical information into one system. The data available in EurOBIS is an extract from the EcoSystemData System of ICES

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    The Beam Trawl Survey dataset includes age- and length-based catch per unit effort data for commercial fish species in ICES statical rectangles.

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    ICES online database of trawl surveys, covering the Baltic Sea, Skagerrak, Kattegat, North Sea, English Channel, Celtic Sea, Irish Sea, Bay of Biscay and the eastern Atlantic from the Shetlands to Gibraltar.

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    Biological phytoplankton community data

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    The dataset includes information about spatial distribution and abundance of fish eggs and larvae in the North Sea based on the data from the North Sea Cod and Plaice egg surveys. The survey aims at studying fish egg and larval distributions in the winter in the North Sea, target species are cod and plaice. <br/> The program was steered by the WGEGGS until 2012 and is currently steered by WGEGGS2.

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    Biological zoobenthos community data

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    This historical dataset includes data gathered from various surveys conducted in different times in North Atlantic. The surveys were focused on different stages of eel larvae. The ICES group taking care of the data is WGEEL.

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    The ICES programme of international herring larval surveys in the North Sea and adjacent areas is in operation since 1967. The main purpose of this programme is to provide quantitative estimates of herring larval abundance, which are used as a relative index of changes of the herring spawning‐stock biomass in the assessment. The larvae surveys are carried out in specific periods and areas, following autumn and winter spawning activity of herring from north to south. Catch data together with specific information like haul position, survey area etc. are reported to the ICES International Herring Larvae database annually. The database contains information about the surveys conducted since 1972. The ICES responsible group for the dataset is WGIPS.

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    The dataset includes age- and length-based catch per unit effort data for commercial fish species collected during the Scottish West Coast Survey. The Quarter 1 Scottish Groundfish survey started in 1981 and was initially intended to cover the fishing grounds on the continental shelf to the west of Scotland; in 1996 the survey area was extended to include the northern Irish Sea.

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    The dataset includes age- and length-based catch per unit effort data for commercial fish species collected by the French trawl survey EVHOE.