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This service aims at running a species distribution modelling (sdm) service based on Maximum Entropy (maxent) algorithm. It is intended to predict the potential geographic distribution of a species based on environmental variables. Maxent algorithm is a probabilistic modelling technique used for making predictions based on incomplete information or limited data. It is based on the principle of maximum entropy, which states that when making predictions, one should choose the probability distribution that is the least informative, or maximally uncertain, while still satisfying a set of known constraints. The application calculates the distribution model of a species by taking as input files a vector of presence and a group of raster files that represent the background or environmental layers and providing five output files: elapid_object.ela, maxent_prediction_model.tif, maxent_prediction_plot.png, dependency_plots.png, and auc_score.txt. The application can take as input also a set of parameters (optional), which have default values in case the user does not want to configure them.
This is an output file issued by the Maxent application. It is the area under the curve score of the model. Values are ranged between zero and one and it represents the accuracy of the prediction model. The closer to one, the more accurate. Final filename will be determined by the name of the species.
This is an output file issued by the Maxent application. It is an image that contains several small plots, one for each environmental variable, with the percentage of participation of each variable in the final model. Final filename will be determined by the name of the species.
This is an input group of files for Maxent application that represent the background or environmental layers. These files can come in different formats, specified below, in the last section. And they must be compressed in a zip file. These files are images where each pixel contains a color representing the intensity of the value. Each image values represent the average values during a period of time or an instant in a period of time. Examples of layers could be temperatures, humidity, rain, etc.
This is an output file issued by the Maxent application. It is a plot with the probability of presence of the species. This is a user-friendly image of the prediction model, not a raster layer as with the output operation 5 of the Maxent application. The format of this image can be chosen by the user. Final filename will be determined by the name of the species.
This is an input single file for Maxent application that represents the presence points of the species. It can come in different formats, that are specified below, in the last section. Regardless of the format, this file should contain a series of geographic points where the species have been recorded during a period of time.
This a serialized python object resulting of the execution of Maxent in case user needs it for later. It represents an instance of the class MaxentModel used in Elapid package. This package is the main library used in Maxent application.
This is an output file issued by the Maxent application. It is a raster layer with the probability of presence of the species. As similar as with the raster input files, each pixel color represents the probability of presence of the species on that point. Because its format is a standard, this file can be open with several commercial applications such as Qgis, ARCgis, etc. Final filename will be determined by the name of the species.
The Maxent service can take as input also a set of parameters (optional), which have default values in case the user does not want to configure them.
This service aims at crossing the datacube with a geographic layer in order to compute incidence information per zone. This information is extracted based on the geolocation code. It includes a tool to visualize the outputs rasters. It represents the Step 5 of the Biotope vulnerability Workflow within the Internal Joint Initiative.