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  • The dataset encompasses all geographic and historical data available on macroinvertebrates of the Italian mountain lakes from 1902 to 2016. The data set, divided per Italian mountain range (Alps and Apennines) and administrative region, covers more than a century of studies of many foreign and Italian scientists. The data set includes 2372 records and shows macroinvertebrate occurrence data in 176 Alpine and in 13 Apennine lakes, of which 178 of natural origin, 5 reservoirs, and 6 artificially extended. The data set lists 605 taxa, updated on the basis of their current taxonomic position. Only 353 taxa are identified at species level.

  • VocBench is a web-based, multilingual, collaborative development platform for managing OWL ontologies, SKOS(/XL) thesauri, Ontolex-lemon lexicons and generic RDF datasets. VocBench is powered by the Semantic Turkey Knowledge Acquisition and Management framework.

  • NetWatch is a portal that allows to visualize and browse information collected through surveys carried out in the framework of biodiversity and ecosystem research activities. With the help of a team of experts, the service allows to: - upload your data by following a few simple steps; - structure your data according to precise schema; - index data. The purpose of the service is to publish the results of your survey and allow hence sharing, searching, accessing and preserving the collected information.

  • LifeWatch Italy DataLabs is a collaborative coding platform for biodiversity and ecosystem research. It allows you to create your research projects, edit your scripts and set up a team to work on them. It has never been easier to code with your team in R, Matlab and Python. The platform is integrated with the LifeWatch Italy Data Portal and Metadata Catalogue allowing you to publish your research products (e.g., scripts, datasets, etc.) and deploy web services in a single place by means of user-friendly interfaces. As well as promoting collaboration in coding and data science, LifeWatch Italy DataLabs is in line with the FAIR principles and open science practices.

  • ShowVoc is a web-based catalogue and viewer for OWL ontologies, SKOS(/XL) thesauri, Ontolex-lemon lexicons and generic RDF datasets. Cross-dataset features, such as global search and the translation API benefit from the presence of different datasets in order to realize a multilingual resource for term reference and authoritative term translation. ShowVoc business and data access layers are realized on top of Semantic Turkey, an open-source platform for Knowledge Acquisition and Management realized by the ART Research Group at the University of Rome Tor Vergata.

  • This platform is a joint effort between the sRedList working group and LifeWatch Italy, aiming to facilitate and streamline the work of Red List assessors. By providing an easy and interactive access to multiple analyses, the platform aims to improve the consistency of the assessments across experts and taxa, while not limiting expert judgement in the evaluation. Every product of the platform can be directly submitted to SIS Connect. It currently enables for instance: 1. creating a distribution from online available or uploaded occurrence data; 2. mapping species Area of Habitat and calculating trends in Area of Habitat; 3. extracting Countries of Occurrence of the species; 4. calculating trends in forest cover in species' range; 5. Calculating population severe fragmentation.