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    Marine biological surveys of seabed and shore habitats in four areas exposed to strong tidal currents around southwest and northwest Wales, made in summer 2002 and 2003.

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    This datasets contains species recorded as part of CCW's Phase 1 Intertidal habitat mapping survey. The Intertidal mapping took place between 1996 and 2005. All work was carried out by an in-house survey team.

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    This dataset is comprised of marine benthic surveys created by Natural Resources Wales' (and previously the Countryside Council for Wales') technical support (research and monitoring) contracts since 1993. The surveys focus on benthic habitats (often referred to as 'biotopes') in intertidal, inshore (typically within 3nm) and subtidal areas. These surveys include the capture of many species records. Only the species records are available on the NBN Gateway. Some of the surveys were originally stored in the MNCR (Marine Nature Conservation Review) database created by JNCC but then transfered to CCW. (However, none were carried out as part of JNCC's MNCR officical survey programme). Original copies of all the surveys are now held in NRW's Marine Recorder database.

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    This dataset comprises of ad-hoc records of species recorded by NRW staff outside of the methodology of dedicated research and monitoring surveys. Although any species may be recorded, records are usually made where they are likely to be of interest, such as, rare and scarce species and species outside of their normal range, species that have not previously been recorded in a site etc.

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    This dataset comprised marine surveys undertaken by the Natural Resources Wales (and previously Countryside Council for Wales) for Marine alien and non-native species, currently held in Marine Recorder. The surveys represent ongoing non-native monitoring, sightings and ad-hoc records of invasive and non-native species supplied to NRW or noted outside of other research and monitoring work.

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    Skomer MNR was designated in 1990. This dataset contains the results of a range of projects developed by Skomer Marine Monitoring Team to monitor the health of the reserve and investigate the relevant aspects of the species life histories for baseline information. Large scale surveys developed in the 1970's and 1980's provided the foundation for the monitoring.

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    An atlas of marine species for Pembrokeshire including flora and fauna, intertidal and sublittoral data, funded by the Counytryside Council for Wales (CCW). It is a collation of data from various CCW and third party sources (both published and unpublished) that cover Pembrokeshire, held within 79 surveys. This is a historical collation which is not being updated. The data includes all records from the Dale Fort Marine Fauna survey plus additional data from subsequent and prior surveys. Data that are included in the MNCR database have been excluded from this dataset to avoid duplication.

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    This dataset includes the survey data that were commissioned and collected by Countryside Council for Wales.