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    The Birds Directive was implemented in 1979. This Directive frames the conservation and management of wild birds in Europe and human interactions with this group. It sets broad objectives and includes the identification and classification of Special Protection Areas (SPAs) for the rarest and most vulnerable species, listed in its Appendix I, as well as for all migratory species that regularly occur in the European territory. These species must be subject to special conservation measures relating to their habitat, in order to ensure their survival and reproduction in their range, with special importance being given to the protection of wetlands and particularly those of international importance. Article 12 of the Birds Directive requires Member States to send the Commission, a report on the application of national provisions adopted pursuant to the Directive. This report for the period 2008-2012 was submitted to the European Commission, and will henceforth be prepared every 6 years. In preparing this report, a format approved at the European Union level was used, which includes a general report on the implementation of the Birds Directive, and specific reports containing individual assessments on the status and trend of all relevant species. The report also includes cartographic components (in GIS format) with the national geographic expression in 10 km X 10 km squares relating to the distribution and range areas of the reported breeding species.