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    Data were part of a research project that wanted - amongst others - to quantify the spatial and temporal variation of the benthic rocky reef assemblages in the Marine Protected Area (MPA) of Capraia Island (Tuscan Archipelago) and a bordering non-protected area.

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    These data were part of a study investigating the general statement that Marine Protected Area’s (MPA’s) have an effect on the population and assemblages of benthic organisms in the intertidal zone of rocky shores. The effects were evaluated over a variety of spatial scales

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    The general goal of this study was to test if assemblages of algae and invertebrates of rocky shores next to marinas are different in taxon composition and abundance compared to reference shores far away from this source of disturbance.

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    Data were collected as part of the National (COFIN) project ‘Assessment of anthropogenic influences on assemblages of algae and invertebrates of rocky shores’. The algae assemblages and invertebrates next to a marina were compared to those of reference shores, to evaluate if the assemblages differ in composition and abundance