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  • Following the FAIR principles and best practices, the LifeWatch Italy Training Catalogue hosts the metadata of relevant learning resources so that these can be shared, searched, discovered, accessed and reused. The LifeWatch Italy training catalogue’s accurate and descriptive metadata allow all users to find the most appropriate and well-suited educational resources for their needs. Metadata are based on a subset of the IEEE Standard for Learning Object Metadata (IEEE 2002) that has been customised in order to be compliant with the EOSC Training Resource Profile - Data Model. The detail page of each single metadata record includes all the descriptive information and, on the right side of the page, a button “Start the course” that allows to access the resource and hence to start the training.

  • The LifeWatch Italy Training Platform offers courses and tutorials for the LifeWatch Italy community seeking to make better use of the infrastructure resources, tools and services. It is based on Moodle and allows to easily access training resources by means of categories.

  • The LifeWatch Italy Help Desk applies a ticket system to address all support requests for the use of LifeWatch Italy platforms and services. A unique number is assigned to each request, and users can refer to it to track its progress. The Help Desk provides a knowledge base that can be checked before opening a new ticket in order to see if the issue users wish to raise has already been addressed.

  • The LifeWatch Italy Community Platform is a dedicated virtual space where people who share the same goals, interests, or motivations can connect and build relationships, business and scientific opportunities. The Community facilitates the networking activities among registered members, that are able to create and manage working groups adding their peers based on their scientific skills. Working groups also include different tools for supporting networking activities such as calendar, repository, forum, blog, wiki, polls, brainstorming, and conference calls.

  • VocBench is a web-based, multilingual, collaborative development platform for managing OWL ontologies, SKOS(/XL) thesauri, Ontolex-lemon lexicons and generic RDF datasets. VocBench is powered by the Semantic Turkey Knowledge Acquisition and Management framework.

  • NetWatch is a portal that allows to visualize and browse information collected through surveys carried out in the framework of biodiversity and ecosystem research activities. With the help of a team of experts, the service allows to: - upload your data by following a few simple steps; - structure your data according to precise schema; - index data. The purpose of the service is to publish the results of your survey and allow hence sharing, searching, accessing and preserving the collected information.

  • LifeWatch Italy DataLabs is a collaborative coding platform for biodiversity and ecosystem research. It allows you to create your research projects, edit your scripts and set up a team to work on them. It has never been easier to code with your team in R, Matlab and Python. The platform is integrated with the LifeWatch Italy Data Portal and Metadata Catalogue allowing you to publish your research products (e.g., scripts, datasets, etc.) and deploy web services in a single place by means of user-friendly interfaces. As well as promoting collaboration in coding and data science, LifeWatch Italy DataLabs is in line with the FAIR principles and open science practices.

  • ShowVoc is a web-based catalogue and viewer for OWL ontologies, SKOS(/XL) thesauri, Ontolex-lemon lexicons and generic RDF datasets. Cross-dataset features, such as global search and the translation API benefit from the presence of different datasets in order to realize a multilingual resource for term reference and authoritative term translation. ShowVoc business and data access layers are realized on top of Semantic Turkey, an open-source platform for Knowledge Acquisition and Management realized by the ART Research Group at the University of Rome Tor Vergata.

  • The LifeWatch Italy Citizen Science platform is a place for sharing knowledge, tools, training material and other resources for participatory projects in biodiversity and ecosystem research. It is a platform that facilitates citizens involvement in scientific activities and it includes different sections to provide: - basic knowledge on citizen science, on its potential and applications; - best practices and tutorials on the development and management of citizen science projects; - a catalogue of citizen science projects with an open-source webGIS for viewing initiatives on a map-based interface; - a tool for creating mini-sites for citizen science projects; - a customisable web application supporting citizen science activities related to the collection of geo-referenced observations; - integration between various components and services of LifeWatch Italy.

  • The LifeWatch Italy Semantic Platform allows to search and access the LifeWatch Italy resources with the help of semantically enriched queries. It is based on a main semantic model that describes different resources and their metadata, as well as meaningful links between controlled vocabularies for Biodiversity and Ecosystems domain and resources of LifeWatch Italy. The platform is powered by a semantic search engine that can be used in two modes: simple or structured.