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Vrije Universiteit Brussel; Fundamental and Applied Marine Ecology Post Graduate Program

19 record(s)
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    Density and biomass of most important macrobenthos taxa and families and nematoda genera for monthly samples of the upper layer of a <i>Ceriops tagal</i> sediment at Gazi Bay. Additionally sediment granulometry and abiotic parameters were measured. The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original report: Pratiwi, R. (1995). Community structure and seasonal fluctuation of macrobenthos of Ceriops tagal mangrove sediments at Gazi Bay, Kenya. MSc Thesis. Universiteit Gent - Faculteit Wetenschappen, Vakgroep Biologie: Gent. 106 pp.

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    Abiotic and biotic parameters measured in a field experiment to investigate the effect of predation by epibenthos on infaunal macrobenthos of a <i>Ceriops tagal</i> tropical mangrove monthly sampled between August 1992 and December 1992. The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original report: Garcia de Camargo, M. (1995). Interactions between macrobenthic epifauna and infauna in a Ceriops tagal mangrove at Gazi Bay, Kenya. MSc Thesis. Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Brussel. 64 pp.

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    The spatial community structure of the hyperbenthos of Gazi bay was investigated during one week in October 1994. 38 stations were sampled using a hyperbenthic sledge. The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original report: Luhunga, B.Y. (1997). Spatial community structure of the hyperbenthos of Gazi Bay, Kenya. MSc Thesis. University of Gent, Zoology Institute, Marine Biology Section: Gent. 68 pp.

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    Dataset on meiobenthos densities and biomass of nematode genera for 2 stations (North Sea and Westerschelde) sampled on 22June 1993 and 31March 1994. The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original report: Tuhumury, S.F. (1995). Vertical distribution of meiofauna related to biogeochemistry: a case study from one station in the North Sea and one station in the Westerschelde estuary. MSc Thesis. RUG: Gent. 102 pp.

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    Contamination level by PCB, organochlorines pesticides and mercury for <i>Anadara tuberculosa</i> and other species at Punta Morales, Puerto Alto and Jicaral during 2 sampling periods in 1988. The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original report: de la Cruz, E. (1989). Organochlorine and total mercury in the Anadara tuberculosa bivalve and other species from the Nicoya Gulf, Costa Rica. MSc Thesis. KBIN: Brussel. 59 pp.

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    List of all the microphytoplankton species recorded along four transects during the Southeast monsoon in the period June 18 to July 7, 1992. The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original report: Wawiye, O. (1995). Microphytoplankton distribution off the Kenyan coast. MSc Thesis. Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Brussel. 41, app. pp.

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    Catch data and numerical and gravimetrical analysis of stomach contents of <i>Pomatoschistus microps</i> sampled on 16, 17 and 19 August 1994 at 'Het verdronken land van Saeftinge'. The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original report: Bulayi, M.E. (1997). Diurnal and semi lunar feeding rhythms of the common goby Pomatoschistus microps in the brackish tidal marsh 'Het verdronken land van Saeftinge [sic]' (Westerschelde, SW Netherlands). MSc Thesis. RUG: Gent. 38 pp.

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    Density and biomass of hyperbenthos species in the salt marsh community of Saeftinghe between March 1990 and October 1991. The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original report: Dankwa, H.R. (1993). Utilization of estuarine salt marshes by postlarval brown shrimp Crangon crangon. MSc Thesis. RUG: Gent. 49 pp.

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    Densities of the most important meiobenthos phyla in an <i>Avicennia marina</i> mangrove sediment in Gazi Bay (Kenya) together with the sediment environmental data. Three replicate samples were taken for every monthly sample between August 1992 and July 1993. The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original report: Okondo, J. (1995). Community structure and seasonal fluctuation of meiobenthos in the Avicenna marina mangrove sediments at Gazi Bay, Kenya. MSc Thesis. RUG: Gent. 56 pp.

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    List of zooplankton taxa and copepoda species for 5 stations in Tudor creek sampled between December 1984 and December 1987. The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original report: Okemwa, E. (1990). A study of the pelagic copepods (Copepoda; Crustacea) in a tropical marine creek Tudor, Mombasa, Kenya, with a special reference to their community structure, biomass and productivity. PhD Thesis. VUB: Brussel. 225 pp.