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  • The Marine Regions team at VLIZ provides access to several data products in common GIS formats such as geopackage, shapefile, geojson or kml. Some of these are developed by the Marine Regions team. For example, the Maritime Boundaries which include all the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea; or the sea areas delimited in the document "Limits of Oceans & Seas, Special Publication No. 23" published by the IHO in 1953. When possible, Marine Regions also offers access to these products following the specifications of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), such as Web Feature Services (WFS), Web Map Services (WMS) or Catalogue Service for the Web (CSW). There is a wrapper in the R programming language for these services together with the Gazetteer webservices in the form of an R package: 'mregions', developed by the rOpenSci consortium and maintained by the Marine Regions team.

  • The SCAR Antarctic Biodiversity Portal ( is an international effort that seeks to increase our knowledge and understanding of Antarctic and Southern Ocean biodiversity. It is a community of researchers, data custodians and developers from around the world that supports the mobilization publication, retrieval and analysis of Antarctic and Southern Ocean biodiversity data in a free and open manner in line with the Antarctic treaty and the FAIR data Principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). The main aim is to create an information ecosystem of various data bases, data systems, web services, tools, etc. that can be used by anyone with an interest in Antarctic and Southern Ocean biodiversity. is an international initiative of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR). It finds it roots in the Census of Antarctic Marine Life and started in 2005. The central facilities are hosted by the Royal Belgian Institute for Natural sciences (RBINS, and the Belgian Biodiversity Platform (BBPf,

  • MedOBIS is the Regional OBIS Node for the Mediterranean Sea. It is hosted by the Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture (IMBBC), Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, HCMR , Heraklion (Crete). Launched in 2003, it has already been operational in 2005 as a Tier 3 Node of EurOBIS and covered the Eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea. Under the European projects EMODNET and LifeWatchGreece (started in 2013), it became a Tier 2 node and extended to all Mediterranean Sea. MedOBIS provides access to data from a wide range of sources and time periods, including new and historical data sets. MedOBIS actively contributes to global scientific efforts for FAIR and OPEN data. The MedOBIS vLab consists of the MedOBIS IPT (Integrated Publishing Toolkit-, which is available for sharing data and metadata, and Medobis viewer as a geodata tool, developed by open layers for visualization. MedOBIS can accept any data files from its data sources or data providers, and it publishes these data on its Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT), which is harvested by central OBIS. The Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT) is developed and maintained by the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). For more information check here: MedOBIS currently (2021) hosts 54 datasets, covering the period 1844 to 2017, with over 77,000 occurrence records accompanied with taxonomical, trait, geographical and environmental information. Login is required to access the vLab; while the IPT is open to any user.

  • Dealing with different names of geographic features or entities, VLIZ developed a standard, relational list of geographic names, coupled with information and maps of the geographic location of these features. The purpose of the gazetteer is to improve access and clarity of the different geographic, mainly marine names such as seas, sandbanks, ridges, bays or even standard sampling stations used in marine research. The geographic cover is global; however the gazetteer is focused on the Belgian Continental Shelf, the Scheldt Estuary and the Southern Bight of the North Sea. The Marine Regions Gazetteer is accessible both for humans and machines in different ways: - through the web portal by means of the search engine interface; - through REST APIs; - through SOAP calls; - through Linked Data Event Streams; - through an ad-hoc developed R Package: 'mregions'.

  • The Azorean Biodiversity Portal provides access to biodiversity occurrence data published for Azores by all scientific literature, non-published reports and citizen science. This portal implemented by the University of Azores, under the scope of PORBIOTA-LifeWatch.Pt, corresponds to the implementation of the Azores/Portuguese platform of the Atlas of Living Australia. The platform is currently supported by the community Living Atlases, a community of GBIF Nodes and other partners. The implementation of the platform seeks to answer to access needs for biodiversity data, with access and data analysis adjusted to Azores, and its geographic, administrative, biogeographic and ecological context. Moreover, it provides tools for data analysis with greater details and capacity for details.