Alien species
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This dataset comprised marine surveys undertaken by the Natural Resources Wales (and previously Countryside Council for Wales) for Marine alien and non-native species, currently held in Marine Recorder. The surveys represent ongoing non-native monitoring, sightings and ad-hoc records of invasive and non-native species supplied to NRW or noted outside of other research and monitoring work.
A collation of datasets contributing to the MSFD baseline data for the current known distribution of non native species in the UK
This dataset includes 1,998 records with distribution and abundance information of the invasive species Anadara kagoshimensis and A. transversa. Sample collection occurred at 66 trawling stations located in the Italian waters of the Northern Adriatic Sea within the framework of the SoleMon project (CNR-IRBIM) between 2008 and 2023. The dataset was compiled, harmonised and published within the CNR project USEit - Using operational synergies for the study and integrated management of invasive alien species in Italy.
The dataset contains 3386 occurrence data belonging to terrestrial ecosystems. Data refer to alien species and native species distributed all around Italy.
The dataset contains >6000 occurrence data of terrestrial plants from 5 Eunis species groups (Flowering plants, Conifers, Ferns, Mosses and Liverworts, Fungi). Data refer to alien species and native species distributed within 28 Italian sites and 7 Eunis habitats.
We present a data set on the biodiversity of Italian freshwaters, including lakeshores and riverbanks. This is the first data set on freshwater biodiversity created at national level, including both natural (379 springs, streams and lakes) and artificial (11 fountains) sites. This data set belongs partly to the Italian Long Term Ecological Research network (LTER-Italy) and partly to LifeWatch, the European e-Science infrastructure for biodiversity and ecosystem research. The data included in the data set cover a time period corresponding to the last sixty years (1951-2013). They span a large number of taxa from prokaryotes and unicellular eukaryotes to vertebrates and plants, including taxa that are linked to the aquatic habitat in at least part of their life cycles (like immature stages of insects, amphibians, birds and vascular plants). The data set consists of 6715 occurrence data and distribution records for 1884 species. The complete data set is available in csv file format via the LifeWatch Service Centre.
The dataset contains more than 3800 occurrence data divided among 9 Eunis species groups (Algae, Amphibian, Birds, Cyanobacteria, Fishes, Flowering Plants, Invertebrates, Protists, Reptiles). Data refer to alien species and native species distributed within 23 sites and 4 Eunis habitats (level 2) all around Italy.
The dataset contains more than 12200 occurrence data from marine sites along the Italian Coast. Data refer to alien species and native species distributed within 91 sites and 7EUNIS habitats (level 2) all around Italy.
The dataset contains an updated checklist of the terrestrial, freshwater, and marine species of Metazoa present in Italy; the first version of the dataset includes > 27000 species and subspecies. For each species, an updated taxonomic classification and the currently accepted Linnean binomen and authorship is given, accompanied by distributional data (occurrence in 3 terrestrial and 9 marine macroregions, and optionally occurrence in the administrative Italian regions and neighbouring areas abroad). Endemics and alien species are indicated. The dataset is completed by taxonomic and distributional notes including pertinent literature and synonymies.