Body size
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The dataset contains taxonomic and body size data of the benthic macroinvertebrate communities collected in the hydrographic basin of Flumini Mannu - Cixerri (Sardinia, Italy) during the years 1992-1993. Sampling sites were located along two main basins Flumini Mannu and Cixerri, and other smaller coastal basins. Data refer to 98 taxa and 14566 individuals.
The dataset contains abundance and body size data of fish community in Acquatina lagoon. Forty-five taxa were recorded, encompassing 9 orders and 20 families, all identified at the species level except two individuals, identified respectively at the genus (Pomatoschistus) and family (Labridae) level. A total amount of 99,995 individuals were collected, and the community was dominated by the species Atherina boyeri, with 95,237 individuals found.
The dataset contains abundance and body size data of benthic macroinvertebrates collected in the river Tirso (Sardinia, Italy) during the years 1998-1999. Data refer to 143 taxa and 48248 individuals.
The dataset contains taxonomic and morphological data of the macroinvertebrates community of a Nationally designated area in South Italy (Brindisi, Apulia). Data refer to 19504 individuals.
The dataset contains abundance and body size data of benthic macroinvertebrates collected in the LTER site Alimini (Apulia, Italy). Data refer to 26 taxa and 17895 individuals.
The dataset contains abundance and body size data of the benthic macroinvertebrates community of the Lesina lagoon. Data refer to 21 taxa (15 species, 2 genus, 2 family, 2 subclass) and 9595 individuals.
The dataset contains taxonomic and body size data of the benthic macroinvertebrate communities collected in the abandoned mining area of Ingurtosu-Montevecchio (Sardinia, Italy) during the years 1993-1994. Sampling sites were located along two main streams Rio Roia Cani-Piscinas and Rio Naracauli, and outside the mining area. Data refer to 34 taxa and 2033 individuals.
The dataset contains taxonomic and body size data of the macroinvertebrates community of the benthic macroinvertebrates community of Flumendosa River (Sardinia, Italy). Data refer to 80 taxa and 14502 individuals.
The dataset contains abundance and body size data of benthic macroinvertebrates collected in the LTER site Alimini (Apulia, Italy). Data refer to 51 taxa and 35504 individuals.
The dataset contains abundance and body size data of the benthic macroinvertebrates community of Torre Guaceto (Apulia, Italy). Data refer to 34 taxa and 11342 individuals.