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The present database represents the situation of dolphin bycatches along the Romanian coast during 2010 and 2011. The data were collected from the entire Romanian coast, from Sulina to Vama Veche.
Collecting data regarding sightings of the Black Sea cetacean at the Romanian coast.
Tuna bycatch observer data.
Collecting data regarding sightings of the Black Sea cetacean at the Romanian coast.
Gridded data of monitored fishing effort and relative bycatch of Mustelus mustelus, Squalus acanthias, Myliobatis aquila, Pteroplatytrygon violacea and Caretta caretta in mid-water pair trawl in the northern Adriatic Sea from, 2006-2017.
A total of 648 incidental catches of Black Sea cetaceans in fishing gear have been recorded in the northern Black Sea off the coasts of Crimea between 1997 and 2009.
Other fish species caught during the tuna fishing operation that were commercialized. These species were caught along with the target species (tuna) by using pole and line.