Citizen science
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Programa Poseidon is marine biodiversity citizen science project delivered by ECOAQUA Institute, University Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ECOAQUA), supported by Fundacion Biodiversidad (2014-2015). In 2014 is established web platform, where target groups as scuba divers, whale watchers, environmentalist, etc. could introduce photo, location and other information on observed marine species. In the period of two years were registered more than 7000 observations by more than 400 users. All the reported observations where validated by ECOAQUA Ichthyology experts team, and finally encoded applying EU-nomen or WORMS classification.
The lack of gelatinous blooms data reveals scant attention to such phenomena due to their irregular occurrence (Boero et al. 2008), to modern publication trends that give no importance to observations (Boero 2013b), to current monitoring programs that usually do not cover jellyfish (Riisgård et al. 2012) and to the lack of remote sensing tools to detect jellyfish. From 2009 the Italian project Occhio alla Medusa started involving citizens to record sightings of gelatinous organisms. In 2010 till 2015, the Italian popular science magazine FOCUS supported the campaign dedicating a webpage and releasing a smartphone app to upload records.
"Volunteer marine fish records from a wide variety of sources including dive sightings, fishermen's records, anglers etc. as well as historical records collated from other sources such as museum specimens and marine faunas from 1743 - 2010. Records are from around the United Kingdom and some further reaching locations submitted to and collected by The National Marine Aquarium, Plymouth. "
SeaWatch-B dataset (in Dutch) for the period of June 2014 to June 2018.