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    Data on the composition of the diet of 3 fish species and total species list of the caught fish with annual and monthly densities and biomass for 1985 and 1986 in front of the nature reserve of "het Zwin", in the neighbourhood of the Wester Scheldt estuary. The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original report: Van Landtschoote, E. (1986). Ecologisch onderzoek van de visfauna in de kustwateren ter hoogte van de Zwinmonding. BSc Thesis. Rijksuniversiteit Gent. Faculteit Wetenschappen. Laboratorium voor Morfologie en Systematiek der Dieren. Sectie Mariene Biologie: Gent. 109 pp.

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    What ecological effects does a foreshore suppletion, and a beach suppletion, have on the marine ecosystem in the intertidal and shallow surf zone (<6 m depth)? The foreshore suppletion (400.000m³) was by means of an experimental set-up in the shallow coastal zone (-1 to -2m TAW) of Mariakerke. Beside it, a beach nourishment was conducted at Mariakerke (681243m³) and Middelkerke (968754m³). For the Mariakerke area, we collect biological and sedimentological samples in the impact area and in a control area (Bredene), before as after the suppletion, whereas for Middelkerke only the data after suppletion was part of the study. We monitor the marine ecosystem with a focus on the fauna within the sediment (macrofauna) and on the sediment (hyperbenthos, epi- and demersal fish fauna) in the intertidal zone and subtidal zone.

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    Counts on epibenthos and fish species sampled in October 1994 by beam trawling in the mangroves and seagrass beds of Gazi Bay (kenya). Minimum and maximum standard length of fish was measured. The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original report: Boone, A. (1996). Epibenthische gemeenschappen in een tropische baai (Gazi Baai, Kenya)= Epibenthic communities in a tropical bay (Gazi Bay, Kenya). MSc Thesis. Universiteit Gent, Faculteit van de wetenschappen, vakgroep biologie: Ghent. 125, appendix pp.

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    This dataset contains individual counts of fish species sampled in the seagrass beds and mangrove creeks of Gazi Bay (10 locations, 41 species) on 17 and 19 July 1996. Sampling was carried out using a beam trawl (fine mesh: 6mm width). The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original report: Dethier, K. (1997). Epibenthische visgemeenschappen en diversiteit in een tropische baai (Gazi Bay, Kenya)= Epibenthic fish communities and diversity in a tropical bay (Gazi Bay, Kenya). Thesis. Universiteit Gent: Gent. 16 pp.

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    Presence and density data for ichtyofauna and epibenthos sampled in and around the aniline discharge area between 1982 and 1984 and comparison of the spring sampling data with two coastal reference zones choosen in the Belgian Part of the North Sea. The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original report: Maertens, D. (1987). Analyse van de levensgemeenschappen op het Belgisch Kontinentaal Plat: studie van de epibenthische biocoenoses en van de demersale Pisces in het lozingsgebied voor afvalstoffen afkomstig van een anilineproduktie. Mededelingen van het Rijksstation voor Zeevisserij (CLO Gent), 219. CLO Gent: Gent. 28 pp.

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    "Volunteer marine fish records from a wide variety of sources including dive sightings, fishermen's records, anglers etc. as well as historical records collated from other sources such as museum specimens and marine faunas from 1743 - 2010. Records are from around the United Kingdom and some further reaching locations submitted to and collected by The National Marine Aquarium, Plymouth. "

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    Presence, density and biomass data for ichtyofauna and epibenthos sampled in and around the dredging areas between 1977 and 1981. The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original report: Maertens, D. (1984). Analyse van de levensgemeenschappen op het Belgisch Kontinentaal Plat: studie van de epibenthale biocoenoses en van de demersale Pisces in en rondom de baggerzones. Mededelingen van het Rijksstation voor Zeevisserij (CLO Gent), 201. CLO Gent: Gent. 45, + annexes pp.

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    Presence, density and biomass data for ichtyofauna and epibenthos sampled in the KRONOS discharge area (Dutch Continental Shelf) between 1976 and 1981 and comparison of these data with a coastal reference zone choosen in the Belgian Part of the North Sea. The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original report: see refIDs 205648, 205649, 205661.

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    Presence, density and biomass data for ichtyofauna and epibenthos sampled in the STAUFFER discharge area between 1977 and 1981 and comparison of these data with some coastal reference points choosen in the Belgian Part of the North Sea. The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original report: Maertens, D.; Vanhee, W. (1985). Analyse van de levensgemeenschappen op het Belgisch Kontinentaal Plat: studie van de epibenthale fauna en van de demersale Pisces in het lozingsgebied voor thiocarbamaat afvalstoffen. Partim: biologisch monitoring onderzoek 1977-81. Rapport Stauffer/MON/BIO/4/81. Rijksstation voor Zeevisserij: Oostende. 10 + annexes pp.

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    Presence, density and biomass data for ichtyofauna and epibenthos sampled in the discharge areas between 1976 and 1981 and comparison of these data with a coastal reference zone choosen in the Belgian Part of the North Sea. The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original report: Maertens, D. (1985). Vorderingsverslag betreffende de monitoring van de lozingsgebieden voor industriële afvalstoffen. Partim: biologisch monitoring onderzoek 1976-80. Rapport DUMP-I/MON/BIO/3/80. Rijksstation voor Zeevisserij: Oostende. 15 + annexes pp.