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Epibenthos and demersal fish monitoring at long-term monitoring stations Trawl samples were taken within the disposal site and outside the disposal site (close neigbourhood) (classic controle/impact design). Sampling activities were in February-March and in September/October. A 8 meter shrimp beam trawl (22 mm mesh in the cod end) equipped with a bolder chain was used.The net was towed during 30 or 15 minutes at an average speed of 4 knots.
Epibenthos and demersal fish monitoring in function of dredge disposal monitoring
Epibenthos and demersal fish monitoring in function of aggregate extraction
Overview of monthly epibenthic fauna in a marine and brackish zone along the salinity gradient of the Westerschelde in 1990. The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original report: Puturuhu, L. (1994). Density, biomass and feeding consumption of some demersal fish along salinity gradient in the Westerschelde area. MSc Thesis. RUG: Gent. IV, 44 pp.
Seasonal fluctuations in abundance and biomass of the <i>Macropipus holsatus</i> population along the Belgian coast. The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original report: Borremans, C. (1982). Populatiedynamiek van Macropipus holsatus (Fabr.) voor de Belgische kust. MSc Thesis. VUB: Brussel. 62 pp.
Data on abundances of <i>Agonus cataphractus</i> and stomach contents with special attention to the presence of <i>Crangon crangon</i>. The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original report: Gabriels, I. (1977). Quantitatieve studie van de predatie-mortaliteit van Crangon crangon (L.) door Agonus cataphractus (L.). BSc Thesis. Free University of Brussels: Brussel. 91 pp.
Counts on epibenthos and fish species sampled in October 1994 by beam trawling in the mangroves and seagrass beds of Gazi Bay (kenya). Minimum and maximum standard length of fish was measured. The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original report: Boone, A. (1996). Epibenthische gemeenschappen in een tropische baai (Gazi Baai, Kenya)= Epibenthic communities in a tropical bay (Gazi Bay, Kenya). MSc Thesis. Universiteit Gent, Faculteit van de wetenschappen, vakgroep biologie: Ghent. 125, appendix pp.
This dataset contains individual counts of fish species sampled in the seagrass beds and mangrove creeks of Gazi Bay (10 locations, 41 species) on 17 and 19 July 1996. Sampling was carried out using a beam trawl (fine mesh: 6mm width). The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original report: Dethier, K. (1997). Epibenthische visgemeenschappen en diversiteit in een tropische baai (Gazi Bay, Kenya)= Epibenthic fish communities and diversity in a tropical bay (Gazi Bay, Kenya). Thesis. Universiteit Gent: Gent. 16 pp.
Species composition, density and biomass of epifauna in the creeks of saltmarshes Waarde and Saeftinghe between February and August 1991. The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original report: Makwaia, E.S. (1992). Utilization of saltmarshes by fishes and macrocrustaceans in the Westerschelde estuary. MSc Thesis. RUG: Gent. 49 pp.
This database contains data on population characteristics of the hyper- and epibenthos, sampled in the Scheldt estuary, Belgian coastal waters and Belgian coastal harbours.