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    Fishermen, settlers and cod catches in 17th-century Newfoundland.

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    This dataset contains catch and fishing effort data for various species in the Limfjord (Denmark), including historical statistics and catch per unit effort. The data covers the time period from 1667 to 2000.

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    This fisheries dataset from Newfoundland includes data on fisheries statistics, cod catches, fishing effort and the Newfoundland settlement. The data covers the time period 1698-1833.

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    This dataset contains historical catch, effort and biological data relating to the UK North Sea demersal fishery. The data covers the time period 1920-1997.

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    This dataset contains data on various fish landings and fishing effort in Catalonia. The data covers the time period from 1831 to 1984.

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    This dataset contains historical catch, effort and biological data relating to four demersal species fished off Peru (hake, seabass, croaker and searobin) since 1950.

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    NorFish is a European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant led by Prof Poul Holm in Trinity College Dublin, focuses on the premise that a 16th century shift in marine fish pricing and supply in conjunction with the Little Ice Age and lowering of sea temperatures not only rise to the North Atlantic Fish Revolution but also forms one of the first documented examples of the disrupting effects of globalisation and climate change. The project examines the role of the Fish Revolution for a range of inter-related aspects of North Atlantic history, with NorFish’s interdisciplinary team drawing on archaeology, history, cartography, geography, and ecology to develop interpretative frameworks that synthesise a broad spectrum of source data to assess the overall objective of the project. NorFish’s interdisciplinary team draws on archaeology, history, cartography, geography, and ecology to assess the objectives of the project.

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    NorFish is a European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant led by Prof Poul Holm in Trinity College Dublin, focuses on the premise that a 16th century shift in marine fish pricing and supply in conjunction with the Little Ice Age and lowering of sea temperatures not only rise to the North Atlantic Fish Revolution but also forms one of the first documented examples of the disrupting effects of globalisation and climate change. The project examines the role of the Fish Revolution for a range of inter-related aspects of North Atlantic history, with NorFish’s interdisciplinary team drawing on archaeology, history, cartography, geography, and ecology to develop interpretative frameworks that synthesise a broad spectrum of source data to assess the overall objective of the project. NorFish’s interdisciplinary team draws on archaeology, history, cartography, geography, and ecology to assess the objectives of the project.