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Data from seven historical ICES volumes has been digitized and quality checked through a cooperative project between SAHFOS, ICES and the University of Plymouth (UK). Data include >13,000 plankton samples. Approximately 2000 taxa, many identified to species level, are included. The data are from a variety of cruises. Within EurOBIS and EMODnet, presence only values have been made available. <ul> <li>ICES Bulletin Resultats Acquis Pendant les Courses Periodiques 1901-1902 <li> ICES Bulletin Resultats Acquis Pendant les Courses Periodiques 1902-1903 <li> Resultats Acquis Pendant les Courses Periodiques 1903-1904 <li> Resultats Acquis Pendant les Courses Periodiques 1904-1905 <li> Resultats Acquis Pendant les Courses Periodiques 1905-1906 <li> Resultats Acquis Pendant les Courses Periodiques 1906-1907 <li> Bulletin Planktonique 1907-1912 </ul>
This dataset contains mesozooplankton (Crustacea) data from the South Adriatic Sea.
Dataset collected in the North and South Adriatic Sea. Only presence data available, geographical information was aggregated to a region level instead of actual point locations.
This dataset contains zooplankton data (Crustacea) from the Taranto Seas.
Database from paleo-climate studies from the global ocean.
This dataset contains phytoplankton and zooplankton data from 1999 to 2010, collected at three stations offshore the Sinop Peninsula, Turkey, located in the Black Sea.
The SAHFOS CPR survey is the longest and most geographically extensive marine biological survey in the world. The CPR survey has been in operation in the North Sea and North Atlantic since 1946 and has systematically sampled up to 500 planktonic taxa from the major regions of the North Atlantic at a monthly resolution. This dataset contains also CPR surveys in the Pacific and the South Atlantic.
Plankton Toolbox The Plankton Toolbox is a free tool for aquatic scientists, and others, working with environmental monitoring related to phyto- and zooplankton. Features include: Import phyto- or zooplankton data in .txt and .xlsx files in different formats (configurable) Work with data on abundance, biovolume and carbon content Data screening - quality control of data Aggregate data, e.g. from species level to class level Plotting tools Statistics (in early development) Export data in .txt or .xlsx for further analyses or plotting A future update with functionality for using Plankton Toolbox as a counting tool by the microscope is planned. Developed by: Nordic Microalgae is developed and operated by the Swedish Meterological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI with funding from the Swedish LifeWatch project Technology or platform: The software is available as version 1.0.0 for Windows and MacOS. Version 1.0.1 is available for Windows. A Linux version will be produced upon request.
Station L4 is one of a series of hydrographic stations in the Western English Channel (English Channel References). These stations have been the basis of a series of hydrographic surveys carried out during the 20th Century by scientists at the Marine Biological Association and Plymouth Marine Laboratory in Plymouth.