alien species
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This service provides a user-friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI) that allow researchers to run a workflow wrapped into R code for: - the reshaping of the input dataset in order to obtain alien species and native specie richness for each family at the habitat and site level. If more that 1 EUNIS habitat is present in a site, the richness will be calculate for the two (or more that 2) habitats in the site; - the selection of the best fitting model, by calling a set of R functions from the packages lme4 and MuMIn. Initially, a full GLMM model is calculated including both richness and level-1 EUNIS habitat as fixed factor. Subsequently, reduced models are calculated and compared with the full model using the Akaike Information Criteria (AIC). The model showing the best AIC is used to create the output (tables and graph); - the plot of the rarefaction curves on the reshaped dataset.
The World Register of Introduced Marine Species (WRiMS) records which marine species in the World Register of Marine species (WoRMS) have been introduced deliberately or accidentally by human activities to geographic areas outside their native range. As a user or developer you can use the WoRMS webservice to feed your own application with standard WoRMS data, including WRiMS data. A non-exhaustive list of applications: - get the AphiaID for your taxon - check the spelling of your taxa - get the authority for your taxa - get the full classification for your taxa - resolve your unaccepted names to accepted ones - get all synonyms for a taxon - fuzzy/near match your species list - resolve a common name/vernacular to a scientific name - get the common name(s)/vernacular(s) for a taxon - get the sources/references for a taxon - get the WoRMS citation for a taxon - get the direct children for a taxon - get all taxa modified during a time interval - get an external identifier for a taxon - get the AphiaID for an external identifier/database - get all distributions for a taxon - get all attributes for a taxon
Output file of the "Occurrences DataCube Builder" service (step 4) of the Biotope vulnerability Workflow within the Internal Joint Initiative. It represents also the input of the "Occurrences DataCube Analyst" service (step 5). It is the class aggregated datacube that is a CSV file structured as follows: - Date - Geolocation code - Species name - Frequency - Minimum uncertainty.
The LifeWatch Italy national node has realised the Alien and Invasive Species Virtual Research Environment (Alien Species VRE) for supporting researchers to address basic and applied studies on ecosystem vulnerability to alien species arrival. The Alien Species VRE allows to: - access and download harmonised data on the national distribution of species of fauna and flora belonging to different habitats (marine, fresh and transitional waters, and terrestrial) published through the LifeWatch Italy Data Portal and distributed by the LifeWatch ERIC Metadata Catalogue; - upload their own datasets structured according to the LifeWatch Italy Data Schema in order to execute the service included in the VRE.
This service aims at calculating a spatialized cumulative impact index, generating vulnerability maps, which is based on the spatially-explicit model of global geographical application "Cumulative IMPacts of invasive ALien species" by Katsanevakis et al. 2016. It represents the Step 6 of the Biotope vulnerability Workflow within the Internal Joint Initiative.
The new Italian Fauna Checklist updates the Checklist first published in the mid-1990s by Minelli et al. (1993-1995) in paper format, including 57.468 species (including “Protozoa”), 37.303 of which were insects. The new Checklist, which will exclude protozoans, is published exclusively online through the LifeWatch Italy Web Portal and will be continuously updated. The taxonomic classification, scientific name, author and year of description are provided for each species/subspecies, as well as the geographical distribution, the status of exclusivity (endemics) and allochthony, any taxonomic and distributive notes, pertinent literature and synonyms are also given.