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  • This service consists in an online registry with information about Spanish institutions, as well as their respective collections and datasets, that publish data through the GBIF network. The dataset landing page displays the metadata, including DOI, license information and direct access to the records.

  • Categories  

    This dataset comprises the location of sampling stations, sampling information (methods) and some environmental data recorded during the Danish expeditions to the Mediterranean and adjacent seas 1908-1910. The data were digitized from the report of Schmidt (1912). This table was created and used as reference for the biogeographic data, which were published in three multi-part volumes. Three of these volumes with biogeographic data have been digitized already and are available through this IPT installation (see links below). For other volumes, only metadata have been created and are available through this IPT.

  • To address the today’s ecological challenges, it is necessary to use data coming from different disciplines and providers. Discovery and integration of data, especially from the ecological domain, is highly labour-intensive and often ambiguous in semantic terms. To improve the location, interpretation and integration of data based on its inherent meaning vocabularies can help in harmonizing and enriching descriptions of data, providing a formal mechanism for the definition of terms and their relationships. To satisfy these emerging needs LifeWatch ERIC developed a Semantic Resources Catalogue (EcoPortal) focused on the Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research. This effort will help to support the community in the management and integration/alignment of their semantics and subsequently also of their data. The main goal of the EcoPortal initiative is to provide a unique platform for vocabularies in the ecological and domain for different kinds of stakeholders.