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    This dataset comprises the location of sampling stations, sampling information (methods) and some environmental data recorded during the Danish expeditions to the Mediterranean and adjacent seas 1908-1910. The data were digitized from the report of Schmidt (1912). This table was created and used as reference for the biogeographic data, which were published in three multi-part volumes. Three of these volumes with biogeographic data have been digitized already and are available through this IPT installation (see links below). For other volumes, only metadata have been created and are available through this IPT.

  • The Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU installed a meteorological station with soil sensors in Sela pri Otovcu (Bela krajina) in SE-Slovenia, near the habitat of black proteus (Proteus anguinus parkelj). The meteorological station with soil sensors includes a central processing and memory unit, sensors (solar radiation, air pressure, air temperature, humidity, precipitation, snow cover height, soil temperature and humidity), wireless data transmission module and power supply unit (solar panel). The equipment was purchased on 16 April 2021 within the RI-SI-LifeWatch project. It is intended for monitoring all major meteorological parameters for the purposes of ecological and karst habitat research.

  • FOR-PLAT is a first step of establishment of high-throughput data centre for collecting, modelling and analysis of forest ecosystem biotic diversity data in the frame of LifeWatch Slovenia. It is an upgrade of present research infrastructure of the Slovenian Forestry Institute on the fields of biodiversity monitoring and response of terrestrial ecosystem to changing climate as well as monitoring of other processes in forests in the national mesh of research plots. The database is part of the national data hub RI-SI-LifeWatch ERIC VRE.