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The dataset contains records of large mammals (Mammalia) collected in the lower valley of the River Tua and included in the Ecological Monitoring Program (2011-2017) of the Environmental Impact Assessment of the Foz Tua Hydroelectric Dam, promoted by EDP – Energias de Portugal, S.A. Data were collected between August 2011 and July 2017 with a maximum of 56 cameras in sampling points with favorable habitats on the area of the lower Tua river valley directly or indirectly affected by the Foz-Tua dam. The presence of individuals and the species identification was recorded by direct observation of the photos taken with the cameras.
The dataset contains occasional records of Vertebrates (Reptiles, birds and large and medium-sized mammals collected in the lower valley of the River Tua, and included in the Ecological Monitoring Program (2011-17) of the Environmental Impact Assessment of the Foz Tua Hydroelectric Dam, promoted by EDP – Energias de Portugal, S.A. Data were collected between October 2010 and July 2017 in a non-systematic way, on the area of the lower Tua valley directly or indirectly affected by the Foz Tua dam. The dataset includes both "ad hoc observations" and observations of non-target species made in regular censuses of specific faunistic groups. The presence of individuals was recorded both by direct observations in the case of birds and reptiles and by indirect evidences (scats, camera-trapping) in the case of mammals.
The dataset contains records of black Wheatear (Oenanthe leucura) (Aves, Muscicapidae) collected in plots along the lower Tua River valley and included in the Ecological Monitoring Program of the Foz Tua Hydroelectric Dam, promoted by EDP – Energias de Portugal, S.A. Data were collected in May 2012 and between January and September 2013-2017, during field visits to the known area of occurrence of the target species in the lower Tua valley, in a 5-km buffer around the river itself. The occurrence of the target taxa was documented through 635 observations of the species, in 155 events.
The dataset contains records of nocturnal birds (Aves: Strigidae), and particularly the Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo) collected in the lower valley of the River Tua and included in the Ecological Monitoring Program (2011-2017) of the Environmental Impact Assessment of the Foz Tua Hydroelectric Dam, promoted by EDP – Energias de Portugal, S.A. Data were collected between January 2011 and June 2017 during field visits to 22 sampling points on the area of the lower Tua valley directly affected by the Foz-Tua dam. The presence of individuals was recorded by acoustic observation.
The dataset contains records of amphibians (Amphibia) collected in the lower valley of the River Tua and included in the Ecological Monitoring Program (2011-2017) of the Environmental Impact Assessment of the Foz Tua Hydroelectric Dam, promoted by EDP – Energias de Portugal, S.A. Data were collected in the autumn (November) of 2012-2016, during field visits to eight sampling transects located in favourable habitats within a 5-km radius buffer around the Tua valley directly or indirectly affected by the Foz-Tua dam and in a control area in the Douro sub-basin (Ferradosa stream). The presence of individuals was assessed through direct observation, with the aid of torches.
The dataset contains records of terrestrial birds (Aves) collected in the lower valley of the River Tua and included in the Ecological Monitoring Program (2010-12) of the Environmental Impact Assessment of the Foz Tua Hydroelectric Dam, promoted by EDP – Energias de Portugal, S.A. Data were collected in the winter of 2009/10, 2011 and 2012, and in spring of 2011 during field visits to 24 (2010/11) or 30 (2011-12) transects with favorable habitats in 26 2x2 km squares within a 5-km radius buffer around the Tua valley, directly or indirectly affected by the Foz-Tua dam. All observations were made with binoculars and/or telescopes.
The dataset contains records of riparian birds (Aves) collected in the lower valley of the River Tua and included in the Ecological Monitoring Program (2011-17) of the Environmental Impact Assessment of the Foz Tua Hydroelectric Dam, promoted by EDP – Energias de Portugal, S.A. Data were collected in the winter of 2012-2017, and in the spring of 2011-2017 during field visits to five (2011-2014) or seven (2015-2017) transects located in the riverbeds of the lower Tua valley, in the area affected by the dam, and in a control area, upstream. All observations were made with binoculars and/or telescopes.