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CITAB - Centro de Investigação e Tecnologias Agro-ambientais e Biológicas, Laboratório de Ecologia Aplicada, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

21 record(s)
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    The dataset contains records of small mammals (Rodentia and Eulipotyphla) collected in the lower valley of the River Tua, and included in the Complementary Studies (2010) and Ecological Monitoring Program (2001) of the Environmental Impact Assessment of the Foz Tua Hydroelectric Dam, promoted by EDP – Energias de Portugal, S.A. Data were collected between February and December 2010 (Complementary Studies) and in October 2011 (Ecological Monitoring Program), during field visits to, respectively, 29 and 18 sampling points with favourable habitats in 20 2x2 km UTM squares on the area of the lower Tua River valley directly or indirectly affected by the Foz-Tua dam. The presence of individuals was recorded by direct observation or by capture with Sherman traps.

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    The dataset contains records of terrestrial birds (Aves) collected in the lower valley of the River Tua and included in the Complementary Studies (2009-2010) of the Environmental Impact Assessment of the Foz Tua Hydroelectric Dam, promoted by EDP – Energias de Portugal, S.A. Data were collected between December 2009 and April 2010 during field visits to 24 line transects with favourable habitats in 20 2x2 km UTM squares on the area of the lower Tua valley directly or indirectly affected by the Foz-Tua dam. The presence of individuals was recorded by direct (sight) and/or indirect (ear) observation.

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    The dataset contains records of riparian birds (Aves) collected in the lower valley of the River Tua, and included in the Ecological Monitoring Program (2011) of the Environmental Impact Assessment of the Foz Tua Hydroelectric Dam, promoted by EDP – Energias de Portugal, S.A. Data were collected in the winter of 2010-2011 (February 2011), during field visits to 11 sampling points with favourable habitats (river beds and riparian galleries), in 20 2x2 km squares within a 5-km radius buffer around the Tua valley, directly or indirectly affected by the Foz Tua dam. All observations were made with binoculars or telescopes or when individuals were heard around the point.

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    The dataset contains records of terrestrial birds (Aves) collected in the lower valley of the River Tua, and included in the Complementary Studies (2009-2010) of the Environmental Impact Assessment of the Foz Tua Hydroelectric Dam, promoted by EDP – Energias de Portugal, S.A. Data were collected between April and May 2010 during field visits to 16 sampling points with favourable habitats in 20 2x2 km UTM squares on the area of the lower Tua valley directly or indirectly affected by the Foz Tua dam. The occurrence of birds was recorded when individuals were seen or heard around the point in a 10-minute census.

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    The dataset contains occasional records of terrestrial birds (Aves) collected in the lower valley of the River Tua, and included in the Complementary Studies (2009-2010) of the Environmental Impact Assessment of the Foz Tua Hydroelectric Dam, promoted by EDP – Energias de Portugal, S.A. Data were collected between April and May 2010 during field visits to 16 sampling points with favourable habitats in 20 2x2 km UTM squares on the area of the lower Tua river valley directly or indirectly affected by the Foz Tua dam. The occurrence of birds was recorded whenever individuals were seen or heard in the vicinity of the observer.

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    The dataset contains records of nocturnal birds (Aves: Strigidae), and particularly the Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo) collected in the lower valley of the River Tua and included in the Complementary Studies (2009-2010) of the Environmental Impact Assessment of the Foz Tua Hydroelectric Dam, promoted by EDP – Energias de Portugal, S.A. Data were collected between March and April 2010 during field visits to 39 sampling points in 20 2x2 km UTM squares on the area of the lower Tua valley directly or indirectly affected by the Foz-Tua dam. The presence of individuals was recorded by acoustic observation.

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    The dataset contains records of large and medium-sized mammals (Mammalia: Carnivora, Chiroptera, Cetartiodactyla and Lagomorpha) collected in the lower valley of the River Tua, and included in the Complementary Studies (2009-10) of the Environmental Impact Assessment of the Foz Tua Hydroelectric Dam, promoted by EDP – Energias de Portugal, S.A. Data were collected between November 2009 and March 2010 in a non-systematic way in 20 2x2 km UTM squares on the area of the lower Tua valley directly or indirectly affected by the Foz Tua dam. The presence of individuals was recorded mainly through the detection presence signs such as scats, tracks, etc.

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    The dataset contains 708 records of 13 amphibian and 13 reptile species recorded in the lower reaches of the Sabor River (NE Portugal), and that were included in the baseline studies to define biodiversity offsets of the Baixo Sabor Hydroelectric Dam, promoted by EDP – Energias de Portugal, S.A.. Data was collected between March and November 2009, during thirty five (n=35) days/nights of field sampling carried out in the area to be flooded by the two reservoirs, and within a 5-km buffer around each reservoir. Surveys involved transects, dip-netting in waterbodies, and casual observations along trails and roads. Each individual observed was identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level, its position was recorded, and in case of capture it was released thereafter in the same place. All captures were conducted in accordance with the Portuguese laws and carried out under authorized licences 186/2009/CAPT (Instituto da Conservacão da Natureza e Florestas).

  • Categories  

    The dataset contains records of large and medium-sized mammals (Mammalia: Carnivora, Cetartiodactyla and Lagomorpha) collected in the lower valley of the River Tua, and included in the Complementary Studies (2009-10) of the Environmental Impact Assessment of the Foz Tua Hydroelectric Dam, promoted by EDP – Energias de Portugal, S.A. Data were collected between February and March 2010 during field visitis to 40 transects (20 diurnal and 20 nocturnal) with favourable habitats in 20 2x2 km UTM squares on the area of the lower Tua valley directly or indirectly affected by the Foz Tua dam. The presence of individuals was recorded mainly through the detection presence signs such as scats, tracks, rooting/rummages and occaisonally, live individuals (only in the nocturnal transects).

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    The dataset contains records of large mammals (Mammalia) collected in the lower valley of the River Tua and included in the Complementary Studies (2010) of the Environmental Impact Assessment of the Foz Tua Hydroelectric Dam, promoted by EDP – Energias de Portugal, S.A. Data were collected between February and March 2010 with 40 cameras in sampling points with favourable habitats in 20 2x2 km UTM squares on the area of the lower Tua river valley directly or indirectly affected by the Foz-Tua dam. The presence of individuals and the species identification was recorded by direct observation of the photos taken with the cameras.