Democritus University of Thrace; Department of Primary Education
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The dataset contains biotic data from different stations in the Laki lagoon in the Ervos Delta in Southeast Greece. It contains presence/absence data for 15 species at stations in september 1997.
This dataset data from montly benthos sampling in 1998 at 1 station in the Laki lagoon in the Ervos Delta. The presence of the encoutered taxa was recourded aswel as the depth, watertemperature and sediment grain size.
The composition and distribution of the macrobenthic amphipod, mollusc and polychaete fauna in the Evros Delta have been investigated. The distribution of species showed a zonation mainly related to the degree of "confinement".
The dataset contains data on the presence of macrobenthos from 2 stations in the Monolmni Lagoon in the Ervos Delta which were sampled monthly in 1998.