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    Herbarium LISU was established in 1839 as part of Escola Politécnica, but its collections include earlier material from the Ajuda Royal Cabinet The Lichen Collection available through this resource includes about 3540 records of preserved specimens from Portugal, maintained at the LISU Herbarium, and collected from the period 1848-2007. The total number of lichen specimens existing in the herbarium is about 51000, and includes the Carlos N. Tavares collection. The digitising process is ongoing, which will result in new additions to this resource in the near future.

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    The collection of decapod crustaceans is part of the Museu Bocage collections - MB (Zoological) of the Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência, University of Lisbon. This collection started in 1984, after the fire of 1978 that destroyed practically all the zoological collections. It comprises around 4200 itens, most of them preserved in 70º ethanol. The dataset which is now published comprises decapod crustaceans collected in Portugal between 1945 and 2012, and most of them originate from research projects and donations from national and international researchers. ___________________________________________________________________________ A colecção de crustáceos decápodes faz parte das Colecções Museu Bocage – MB (Zoológicas) do Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência, Universidade de Lisboa. Esta colecção iniciou-se em 1984, após o incêndio de 1978 que destruiu praticamente todas as colecções zoológicas que o museu tinha à altura. Compreende cerca de 4200 lotes, a maioria preservados em etanol a 70º. O dataset que agora se publica compreende crustáceos decápodes colectados em Portugal e entre 1945 e 2012, e na sua maioria têm origem em projectos de investigação e doações de investigadores nacionais e internacionais.