Tallinn University of Technology
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Quantitative results of large invertebrates species/taxon biomass and abundance sampled during Estonian national monitoring in Estonian coastal sea, Baltic Sea. The samples are collected and treated in accordance with Manual for Marine Monitoring in the COMBINEprogramme of HELCOM.
Waterfoul species individuals counts in monitoring sectors. The monitoring was performed in Estonian territorial waters in 1991-2016
Aerial and on-land counts of individuals and breeding success estimations (the number of offspring) of grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) recorded during Estonian national monitoring programme in 2000-2016. Breeding success was estimated through the enumeration of live and dead grey seal cubs.
The dataset contains counts of breeding birds on small Estonian sea islands and islets located in Estonian territorial waters and recorded during national monitoring programme. The overall goal of monitoring is to monitor changes in the composition and abundance of bird species nesting on the small islands