The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
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This dataset contains information on infaunal abundance and biomass from sediment grabs in Red Bay, Co. Antrim in 2004 on the RV Lough Foyle. The data from this survey was used to help support the Special Area of Conservation (SAC) site designation for Red Bay, Co. Antrim. A day grab was used to collect the samples, in total there were 20 samples taken and analysed. Particle Size Analysis (PSA) and Carbon & Nitrogen analysis was carried out on the sediments from the grab. The presence and absence of Maerl (alive or dead) was also recorded. The most abundant species found was Calcarea sp. and the most frequently recorded was the polychaete Glycera lapidium.
This dataset contains information on the SACFOR abundance of benthic infauna species from video footage from selected Special Areas of Conservation (SAC’s) in Northern Irish waters. The selected SAC’s have previous multibeam data available for each site, therefore this project was to provide ground-truthing evidence for these habitats. The surveys took place from 2017-09-25 to 2017-09-27 on board the RV Corystes and the selected SAC’s are as follows; Red Bay SAC, The Maidens SAC and Skerries & Causeway SAC.
This dataset contains information on infaunal abundance and biomass from sediment grabs taken off the coast of the Ards Penninsula, Northern Ireland in 2014 & 2016. This survey was carried out to contribute to a larger project to assess the status and extent of Modiolus modiolus biogenic reefs in this area. The biogenic reefs were in an unfavourable condition even though this Annex 1 habitat was the reason for the designation of the Strangford Lough Special Area of Conservation (SAC). This survey was carried out on board the RV Corystes using a 0.1m2 day grab. The infaunal communities were identified and weighed, particle size analysis and carbon & nitrogen analysis were carried out on the samples. In total there were 36 samples taken (only 30 could be analysed for infauna). The most abundant species recorded was the tunicate Dendrodoa grossularia and the most frequently recorded species was the mollusc Leptochiton asellus.
This dataset contains information on the presence and absence of bycaught infaunal species from Crepidula fornicata surveys in Belfast Lough from 2013 to 2017 on board the Fisheries Protection Vessel, Banríon Uladh (renamed in 2016 to Queen of Ulster). The surveys were carried out each year in late September and early October (each over 2 days of surveying). It is important to note that this dataset contains bycatch information and this was not the key aim of the survey. The C.fornicata survey is carried out to routinely monitor the extent of the breeding population of C.fornicata (non-native in Northern Ireland) to enable policies to be put in place to minimise the spread of non-native fauna. In the years 2013-2015, a small oyster dredge was used to collect samples, in 2016 and 2017 a small AFBI naturalist dredge was used. In total over the 4 years, 278 samples were collected for identification & analysis. The most frequently recorded species was the gastropod Philine aperta.