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Research focused on caring for people and the environment. Our research is aims to contribute to solving the challenges facing society through our teaching, research and healthcare work in conjunction with other people and institutions. Sustainable development, care for people and the environment are the keystones of our projects.
The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) is an inter-governmental organization funded by different countries and aimed to provide free and open online access to global biodiversity data supporting at the same time scientific research, conservation, and sustainable development. GBIF is a network of national nodes with an international Secretariat settled in Copenhagen. Thanks to GBIF, data providers around the world have available common open-access standards and tools used to share information about the place and time they have found a determined species. Currently (September 2021), GBIF comprises 61 countries, 40 organizations and 1,796 data providers (
Brolio-AGRESTO-AIF3P6 is one of the trials of the Agresto plot within the Brolio site. Trial: ground cover plants.
The site comprises three distincts experimental set-ups: (1) a long-term (>10 years) partial throughfall exclusion experiment replicated three times and crossed with a thinning (-30% basal area) experiment aimed at simulating long-term precipitation decrease in accordance with climate change scenario for the Mediterranean area (-30% of precipitation), (2) a total rainfall exclusion experiment using a mobile roof has been set up to simulate extreme drought events and modify precipitation seasonality, and (3) an eddy-covariance flux tower running continuously since 2001 to measure seasonal variations in ecosystem functioning and year-to-year flux responses to drought and climate.
This marine biodiversity observatory has been developed in the framework of the Flemish contribution to LifeWatch and applies automated and innovative technology (imaging, acoustics, genomic profiling) to capture biodiversity data in the Belgian part of the North Sea and its coastal areas. The observatory combines regular ship-based station measurements with a number of operational sensor networks. The observatory provides biodiversity and ecosystem information for the LTSER Belgian coastal waters and sand bank systems. Collected data is made available through LifeWatch data explorers, other virtual labs and global biodiversity data systems.
Sierra Nevada Global Change Observatory is an ambitious project promoted by the Environmental and Regional Planning Council of the Regional Government of Andalusia and the University of Granada, in order to develop a monitoring and information management programme. Our programme is intended to diagnose the degree of ecosystem sensitivity to changes, and their adaptation capacity, fostering resistance and resilience of the ecosystems through suitable management actions.
The Institute of Physics of Cantabria (IFCA) is a Joint Centre with the combined effort of two institutions, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and University of Cantabria (UC) oriented to perform research on basic science: to understand the components of nature, from elementary particles (Particle Physics) to the largest structures of the Universe (Astronomy and Space Science) as well as the complex collective behaviour of matter (Statistical and Non-linear Physics).
In Andalusia, the Rediam (Andalusian Environmental Information Network) is in charge of integrating and disseminating all the information generated by the different producing centers, both public and private. At the same time, Rediam constitutes another center for the production and updating of numerous information on environmental issues.
University of Málaga remains highly committed to making scientific development and innovation the grounds on which social progress rests. The efforts made to promote mobility and attract international talent have stood out in the recent years, resulting in an open and cosmopolitan university involved in top-level research projects. 40 years after its founding, UMA has more than 35,000 students, 58 Bachelor's Programmes, 53 Master's Programmes, 278 research groups and 45 registered patents in 2011. Innovation, dynamism, and internationalization are the principles on which UMA's history is based, as well as its basis to overcome current difficulties and reinforce its duty to knowledge, society and the future.
The Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) is a Spanish state agency attached to the Ministry of Science and Innovation with the consideration of a public research body. Its main objective is to develop and promote research for the benefit of scientific and technological progress, for which it is open to collaboration with Spanish and foreign entities.